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View Full Version : carb in the snow

mike shelton
10-11-2012, 03:07 AM

my facebook page. scroll down to the video. been many years ago but we did moonshine, last chance, carburator, slider. was one of my best days offroading. video not too good quality but proof we did it with about 6" of snow on.

10-11-2012, 05:20 PM
didnt see it on there

mike shelton
10-11-2012, 06:14 PM
well, thats weard, i click on it and it shows up... can anyone else see it?

10-11-2012, 07:36 PM
i been tryn get stevie and bubba and tracy cut moonshine out, that was hard as hell last time i climbd it, startn get undercut and 4-5ft ledge

mike shelton
10-11-2012, 07:51 PM
try doing it in a half foot of snow !!! but your right, it was a challenge. hit the skinny and grab ahold. break or go ???? 80-20 break ...lol

10-11-2012, 08:14 PM
That sounds bout like u mike... U gonna put new rig together? Hows the back treatin ya these days?

mike shelton
10-11-2012, 08:37 PM
no plans right now. back still acts up ... but slade sure knew i was there. man o man thoes were the day. brad, me, bommie, monterio dan. i know one winter i went almost every weekend somewhere. got to be know for wheelin in the winter in lofers. ( shoes that is ). can,t say enough about the great !!!! sport and comradery of offroading.. remember one time i came out of the woods back to the camping area and i hit the creek too fast and hydrolocked the motor in the yota. pulled out the plugs turned over the motor and jumped out ( not thinking about no compression ) back in the creek the yota went. i waded out into the water and turned around and said, ( come on in boys, the water is fine ) had a crowd watchin me. felt as dumb as it probly looked.. but lookin back it was a blast.

10-12-2012, 01:24 PM
Sounds like fun times...

I couldent find video either. Do u have to be logged into facebook to see it? i couldent figure fb out and decided it wasent for me so any chance you can cross post that vid?

Id like to see someone go up carb in the snow!

10-12-2012, 03:51 PM
...but Slade sure knew i was there. man o man those were the days...

Agreed Brother... The BEST of times... I miss those days, casually finding a friend in a nearly un-accessible location, with the knowledge, skill, and/or willpower to fix what is wrong with whomever/whatever had an ailment...

To this day I have the electric fan that you brought me (via the emergency phone a friend activity) for a quick trail fix... Works just fine... :D


10-12-2012, 05:34 PM
Agreed Brother... The BEST of times... I miss those days, casually finding a friend in a nearly un-accessible location, with the knowledge, skill, and/or willpower to fix what is wrong with whomever/whatever had an ailment...

To this day I have the electric fan that you brought me (via the emergency phone a friend activity) for a quick trail fix... Works just fine... :D


You used to wheel? :D

10-12-2012, 06:46 PM
Good times wheeling with Gabby over the years and many different rigs.


10-12-2012, 06:57 PM
yeah we ran into gabby on carb probly 8 years ago, he was alone in his ranger truggy, he winched broke and open zuks up carb to help us out, then he showed rest of us around sum trails!! helluva guy fo sho

10-12-2012, 07:42 PM
yeah we ran into gabby on carb probly 8 years ago, he was alone in his ranger truggy, he winched broke and open zuks up carb to help us out, then he showed rest of us around sum trails!! helluva guy fo sho

I remember chubbin up at the sight of that buggy. My first trip to slade if i remember right.