View Full Version : slave cylinder bleeding

10-23-2012, 10:58 PM
Got a 95 Wrangler, 5spd 4cyl. Just got the transmission back in it and it has no bleeder on the slave cylinder. Wandering what the best way to bleed it would be. Thanks for the help

10-24-2012, 07:34 PM
Got a 95 Wrangler, 5spd 4cyl. Just got the transmission back in it and it has no bleeder on the slave cylinder. Wandering what the best way to bleed it would be. Thanks for the help

Most efficient way I've found is to remove the slave/line/master as one big assembly, and hold it so all the air goes up and manually pump the master a few times.

The factory Chrysler way for many of their vehicles with no slave is to basically top off the master and pump the clutch pedal 200 times... check again, then repeat. It's a mother****er bleeding a Viper clutch line:evilgrin: