View Full Version : stalling issues

01-14-2013, 10:14 PM
hey all,
Having isue with gf's car stalling at higher speeds. it is a 94 nisson altima 160k.
It just had fuel filter and distributor replaced last week, do to lack of spark... Now the car is wanting to stall driving down the road around 40 mph or higher speeds.. shift to neutral and turn the key and starts back up.It did this about 6 or 7 times in a row.. Then ran fine after that all the way home.

Another thing it seems to have rough idel and sputters a little on take off then smoothes out. No really sure what to check next to fix the issues...

01-15-2013, 09:15 PM
First thought is fuel pump. Check the pressure?

01-17-2013, 12:31 AM
First thought is fuel pump. Check the pressure?
IT IS intermitant at best... Im thinking fuel pump too... just odd it started all at the same time I did not get spark from distributor...replaced that and add new fuel filter. it seem to pump gas when i turned key and filter off.. guess ill have to rip back seat out and check the oms...

01-19-2013, 09:07 AM
I started read up on the issue on the net and found this cool 7 page site for check for NO Start issue

it was nice becaus eit has pictures and step by step how to check and figure things out...

Well finally decided that it could be the ignition control module..
I took old one off and found no heat sink goo under neath it .. had Auto store check it out, like check and rechecked it 7 times. All test showed it to be a good part...
Since I bought a new I just decided to put that one back on it and see what happens...
Seem to clean up some of the low idel issue it has not stalled since i put new part on waitting to see if it will fail...

well stalled again...guess it is time to swap fuel pump out...

01-25-2013, 09:25 PM
Replaced fuel pump at 11:30 at night in the frezzing cold...3 mins later the car stalled again...
read on line the crankshaft position sensor could cause stall issue so i guess time to get that too since everything else is new now...

01-25-2013, 10:01 PM
What about the computer????

02-03-2013, 02:54 AM
What about the computer????

could be idk at this piont... i went looking for the crankshaft sensor and it seems I am not only one who can not find that thing... some behind the start ,,,nope..

so took could not find it.. grrr drove it down the road and then stalled again in the middle of the road... grrrr.
would not start pushed it into a krogers and left it...
next day took it to a shop and they said it was the distributor... i said humm.. odd i just replaced it... well that was a 500+ bill to find that out...
day later stalls again.. called them back and towed it there..

here is what they found out this time..
gf did not put gas in it...wow that was a 60 buck fup...
we will see if it stalls again

guess when we put the fuel pump in i did not get the float in there correctly now empty is 1/4 tank...