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BillysGruff 03-27-2013 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by BIGRAM (Post 74660)
WOW, what happened? Looks awesome!

Were you asking me or the boss-man?

BIGRAM 03-29-2013 12:13 AM

That was for you, the truck went from street to hard C.O.R.E. in a flash!
Where is that majic dust at?

BIGRAM 03-29-2013 12:20 AM

Correction, it appears to be the wrong truck. Just noticed Krawler's sig pic..
Need updates,,,,

BillysGruff 03-29-2013 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by BIGRAM (Post 74896)
Correction, it appears to be the wrong truck. Just noticed Krawler's sig pic..
Need updates,,,,

All good, not many can touch the badassness of his rig.

BillysGruff 03-29-2013 07:35 AM

Are these worth it?

twiztedzuki 03-29-2013 09:01 AM

longfield has great rep. so i sure they are, and they cheaper then superjoints or nitros. they redid them also so only got 1 fitting instead 4 to grease.

93 Krawler 03-29-2013 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by BIGRAM (Post 74895)
That was for you, the truck went from street to hard C.O.R.E. in a flash!
Where is that majic dust at?

I wish I would have had some magic dust. I started my rig in 2008 and finally got it the way I want it last summer. I couldn't get the front exo to look right around the stock fenders, so I left it off for a few years. Last summer I decided the only way to make it look right was to cut the front end off and tube it. Sure is easier to work on the engine now.


Originally Posted by BillysGruff (Post 74898)

I have stock Dana joints in mine and have yet to break one. If I were to break one, I would probably go to a better joint.

BillysGruff 04-19-2013 07:20 AM

Well, I met up with Scott and Rob, and they are some good dudes. The red Jeep is badass too. Scott said the caliper brackets are done! Cant wait to pick them up. Instead of opening the bore on the bracket, he decided it would be better to turn down the spindle such that it'll fit nice'n'snug into the caliper bracket. So :beers: for those guys.

I do have a question though...
Is this the right PN for a Detroit? 225SL29A
I'm getting pretty close to finishing the bumper. After many grinding and checking attempts, I was finally able to get all the tubes to fit. They are currently just tack'd together. I need to add the inner 'webbing' pieces, so that'll be another 500x grind/check session. I'm sure using a hole saw+vise is easier, but this is the first time for me, so, so be it.

Also, parts are rollin' in, hooray for tax time. I'm waiting on Ruffstuff heims. Next to purchase is a master rebuild kit from a friend in C-bus, gears, and the Detroit. 4wd factory has an April sale going on now too. I could get that thing for cheap right now. Well cheap in the 'offroad' world.





BillysGruff 04-21-2013 07:25 PM

Bumper progress



BillysGruff 04-24-2013 08:59 AM

Still alotta work left on the bumper, grinding, flapping, strengthening, and on and on...

Here's what Scott and Rob did for me. I'm freakin stoked!


They fit great!

BillysGruff 04-25-2013 08:01 AM


I've read that the best way to remove the lower cap is to get it to rotate about the knuckle, and then punch it down.


Issuck, as the daughter would say. (It's stuck.)

93 Krawler 04-25-2013 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by BillysGruff (Post 75409)

I've read that the best way to remove the lower cap is to get it to rotate about the knuckle, and then punch it down.


Issuck, as the daughter would say. (It's stuck.)

I'm getting ready to change my knuckles. I'd say the lower caps have been on there for 34 years. :sweatin:

BillysGruff 04-26-2013 07:25 AM

I read that, did something break? Its crazy to think I'm working on something thats 2 years older than I.

93 Krawler 04-26-2013 05:28 PM

I developed a crack on the driver knuckle in Harlan. Time to upgrade.

Sent from my Radar 4G using Board Express

93 Krawler 05-09-2013 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by BillysGruff (Post 75409)
I've read that the best way to remove the lower cap is to get it to rotate about the knuckle, and then punch it down.

Since I was replacing all the lower pieces, I used a punch from the top and pushed it out. One side came out 3rd hit, the other side sucked bad. I used anti seize to make sure they come out next time.

BillysGruff 05-09-2013 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by 93 Krawler (Post 75725)
Since I was replacing all the lower pieces, I used a punch from the top and pushed it out. One side came out 3rd hit, the other side sucked bad. I used anti seize to make sure they come out next time.

Good to know. I got mine out the day after I posted that pic. I had to hit it from the top, rotate it, and from the sides. The bearing race was easier to get out, IMO.

I'm moving along with suspension parts, and need to take some pics.

BillysGruff 05-14-2013 07:02 AM

Suspension bracketry coming along, only have holes drilled on one side of four from where the shackle will hang. Bits dulled on me.

ARP studs that I thought I was supposed to get as a packaged deal from a guy on PBB for the HSA's, but ah well. Also got a Detroit from a good dude here in town. He said the bearings are fairly new, they look good to me so I'm going to run 'em. My guess it that he's a member on here, but I didnt ask for some reason. Said he has a tube buggy and a '79 HPD60 that he switched out for a spool. For $300, its a win for me! I Also have G2 4.88 gears coming, and a good friend in C-bus has a master install kit for me.

Also, really good bumper progress. I got all the ends capped, fixed the d-side stickingouttoofar issue, and created two gussets on either side (if you will). Next for this is to make the roller fair lead plate and weld that on, then 60 grit flap wheel and paint.


BillysGruff 05-14-2013 07:15 AM


BillysGruff 05-31-2013 11:33 AM

Just a small update...

I gave myself 2" of overhang with the front x-member and the frame rails. I'm going to weld some vertical pieces such that they sit flush against outside of the frame rails and on the top of the x-member. I'll then drill holes through these plates and rosette weld them on, plus gusset between the x-member and new plate. And I need to get longer hanger and shackles bolts.

BillysGruff 06-29-2013 06:38 PM

Got the gears going. Check out these patterns and stats and let me know what you guys think. These are 4.88's.

RGS: .056
NRGS: .043
BL: .004, I'll loosen them up a bit, but how much shim should I take out of RGS and add to NRGS?
OP: .046 w/~20in/lbs
IP: .007 over existing; .015" over existing yields the drive side pattern towards the toe, centered root to flank, and coast side as a centered half moon, meaning it was too much shim. I'll try .012" over next time.



Drive, the last one appears almost rhombus like in shape:

BillysGruff 08-10-2013 05:06 PM

I think BL is better now. It was in b/t .006 and .007 every place I took a reading. I used BillaVista's method that for every .010" carrier shim change there is .007" BL change, so I settled on .005" shim movement to the NRGS to try get me .0035" more BL.

Drive side, how do I get rid of the rhombus shape?

Coast side:

BillysGruff 08-26-2013 04:34 PM

Relief cut in the shoulder, as you all can see they are badly pitted.

New bearings pressed on to carrier and pinion

Finally got the housing damn near completely clean

First successful drill and tap, that bit that comes with the set is so much sharper than anything I've ever seen

Uuuuuuppppdate time

Old kingpins have been removed, slapped down some 250* paint after cleaning

Moose knuckle

Carnage for Kyle

93 Krawler 08-26-2013 07:33 PM

Looks good.

Hope you have better luck than I did with those conical bolts for the caliper. Mine kept letting the parts fall out. I ended up using a regular bolt instead and tacking a small washer to the bracket. Havn't lost any parts since then.

BillysGruff 08-27-2013 05:54 AM

Thanks man. It's getting there. I've read that about those bolts. One guy suggested using allen head bolts so they dont stick out as far and its hard to overtorque them. Next I need to get the housing secured down somehow, make up an extension, and torque down the kingpins.:sweatin:

BillysGruff 12-19-2013 07:10 AM

A small update, actually been working like crazy on this thing. BTF diff cover welded, spring clamps made, made new shackles, modified the hangers for better clearance, hubs all assembled, springs painted/removed overload, brakes installed..

Then this happened...I think I welded it too hot and warped the bung

Also working on some double shear steering


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