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KargoMaster 03-23-2007 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Cincicrawler (Post 1830)
I know I don't know any of you. But a Buddy and i will be there. Where is everyone meeting ?

Hehehe, with a photo of that YJ... you'll fit right in... Welcome to the board, and post up some more specs of your rig... (and some pics of that windshield... ;) )

Just follow the trail of broken parts, torn off body bits, and the smell of burnt tires and burnt wiring... That should be the crew... :D

sarge 03-23-2007 05:07 PM

I plan on rolling out between 9:00 and 10:00 staff meeting is only supposed to be an hour but you know how that goes.
I'm loaded on the trailer and ready to rock ....... ummmm I mean MUD:D

Bear Chow 03-23-2007 07:54 PM

Is there an open seat some where? My wife is laughing at me because I've been to ashamed to ask. Truck broke down so no way to get the quad there.

jeepmanjeff 03-23-2007 09:35 PM

Actually I have gone down it several times. It is a lot of fun to do. I will check it out tomorrow and If it looks ok I will be going down.

I will be taking the camera and Video camera also if I have discs for it.

JeffK5 03-23-2007 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by carwash (Post 1873)
yes, that drop off going down almost endo'd my rail last time there... scared me.

I dunno why no one goes down the middle... no fun i guess. bypass is damn near as dangerous now.

Man , you guys must be getting soft, I was there about 3 weeks ago and a dude climbed it in a Rhino!

I can also tell ya that the bypass is a much tuffer climb these days, I pee'd myself tackling it on my 250R..:o

Don't much matter , once you mix in some rain/mud Backbone can be literally dangerous!

Have fun , Jeff

94Dodge Truggy 03-24-2007 08:48 AM

It will be a very muddy mess today! I am anxiously waiting for pics

jeepmanjeff 03-24-2007 09:27 PM

Pics from Haspin

carwash 03-25-2007 12:21 AM

what the hell happened to sarge? I need some details! Looks like he is on fairly flat ground.

KargoMaster 03-25-2007 03:29 AM

With the exception of Sarge, looked like a fairly nice day...

I see Jeff, Jimmy, and 3 white YJs... anyone else make it?

Thanks for the pics... and Sarge, carnage report and story..?? :D

Cincicrawler 03-25-2007 09:17 AM

I have about 135 photos of the Haspin trip. Just not sure how to post them ALL. They are ALL 200K... Anyone want to help ? Send me an e-mail at jcraven@cinci.rr.com
Thanks for the trip
Mike C. & Joel R.

Cincicrawler 03-25-2007 09:20 AM

here is a look.

Cincicrawler 03-25-2007 09:26 AM

3 Attachment(s)

KargoMaster 03-25-2007 02:49 PM

In that first pic from Cincicrawler... Is it just me, or does Jeff's cage look PURPLE in that pic... I'm assuming it is just the picture.. and that the cage is still blue, but kinda strange how it looks purple.. :)

Cincicrawler 03-25-2007 04:07 PM

There was so much mud. It threw off the color in the photo.. Sorry.

I'm just kidding. I think I was walking from shade to an open spot when I snapped the photo. And it some how caught the color wrong.


carwash 03-25-2007 09:58 PM

still no word from sarge... someone has to tell the roll story.

KargoMaster 03-25-2007 10:07 PM

He better spill it soon, otherwise, I'll start telling what I know... Heheheh

carwash 03-25-2007 10:30 PM

please do tell... please.

94Dodge Truggy 03-25-2007 10:56 PM

rolling on a 20 degree incline? This is gonna be good!

sarge 03-25-2007 11:48 PM

OK I'll go ahead and post up since the crap is already starting :D

I really don't have an explanation of what happened , it wasn't that big of a hill. I came right up the lower section and then got to the spot , small ledge and small rut , Dan ( montero Dan ) yelled out to get to the left ( close to the tree ) I just couldn't find any traction and on the third attemp I was backing off of the ledge to try again and it started:mad: popped up pretty fast and then went into slow motion . the right side of the Jeep hit VERY VERY hard on the rock ledge . Good thing is no one was hurt just my Jeep.

Carnage report :
Rock pushed the right side hard door into the cage and blew out the cosey wing, and giving the door a nice new shape. The windshield survived the impact , however , about 30 seconds later it spider webbed right in fornt of me . the frame is toast , I might be able to salvage it for a spare but ?????
Hard top suffered a rather large crack on the front corner but its fiberglass and easy to repair.
And I also got a rather large soup bowl on my drivers side cowl ???????? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: damn Miller Lite , I have no idea how it got there or when

All in all it was a great day , I spent all day today cleaning up the mess , thank god the river is out of its banks . I took a trip down to the bike path ( which is under about a foot of water and made about 25 passes up and down it . cleaned about 75% of that sticky crap off the Jeep . Then took it home and got the pressure washer out.
Took the hard top and doors off for the season and also removed a slightly used windshield frame.
Got another frame with glass just a few hours ago and will be cleaning it up and giving it a rattle can paint job tomorrow .....:D :D :D

Oh , while I was blasting the bike path I had two Jeeps stop and see if I needed help ( cause I stopped a couple of times in the deep stops to hand wash alittle ) .... I was just off of State Rt. 73 and hundreds of vehicle were passing by , only two that stopped were Jeeps .... Gotta love it

tree_bashed_sammy 03-26-2007 12:08 AM

i bet if it was me on the bike path i would have got arrested haha

sarge 03-26-2007 12:19 AM

Well I really wasn't technically on the bike path , more like the drive way to the parking lot so you'd been OK , I still expected Monroe PD to show .. I figured that some wiener would have called them . My Lt. did drive by and called me laughing and saying that it was better then destoying my front yard with the mud.

Cincicrawler 03-26-2007 12:26 AM

Sorry we left befor the tip over !

Was good fun getting dirty with you guys !


carwash 03-26-2007 12:54 AM

sounds like a good time sarge, glad all were ok. bout time that rig got some body damage.

KargoMaster 03-26-2007 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by sarge (Post 1913)
And I also got a rather large soup bowl on my drivers side cowl ????????

Those Haspin trees just LOVE to jump out and take a bite of anything that's passing by... I think I have the younger brother of your bowl on my driver's cowl... thanks Haspin. :cool:

I talked with Dan, he felt pretty bad about the roll, as you guys had followed him down that hill... Tracey has a bunch of pics... but on film, so when she gets them back, I'll bring them to you or post'em up... hopefully I can get them from Dan before the next meeting... I believe that there's a pink hook calling your name... :D

carwash 03-26-2007 01:23 AM

i will have that nice pink hook at the next meeting...

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