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mckeddie 09-29-2009 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by boomhauer (Post 28138)
frank never hits any of the good stuff!!! think he is afraid of rolling or something...who knows

no ****, i only saw him take shameless up the waterfall on railbed once, the first time we were there (before he moved down there), i don't think i ever saw him try anything else except the main trail. that's just the way he's always wheeled.

i can't wait to get back down there, torching all teh front spring buckets and axle brackets off first thing in the AM, hopefully heading to branik in the afternoon to pick up some tabs, then whenever my fox's show up, i'll be ready to mount it all up. i've got tube laying in the driveway to redo the cage, and then just all the general maintenance crap to make sure everything is in top shape. hate ot get down there and have something stupid fail the first day.

carwash 09-29-2009 09:42 PM

Looking forward to wheeling with ya!

tinbeater 09-29-2009 09:52 PM

Seems like alot of people are going. So were are all of you planning on staying?
I may take the the camper and stay in the event field, but I'm not for sure yet.

carwash 09-29-2009 10:06 PM

Kirby and I were talking about staying up on the mountain...

Was it the evarts field we stayed in a couple years ago?

tjjeepjeep 09-29-2009 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by carwash (Post 28157)
Was it the evarts field we stayed in a couple years ago?

That's where we were the year I went

tinbeater 09-29-2009 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by carwash (Post 28157)
Kirby and I were talking about staying up on the mountain...

Was it the evarts field we stayed in a couple years ago?

They are alot of cool stuff going on in the event field at night now that they have a rock garden and things to play on.

humpy 09-30-2009 10:40 AM

ill be there...rollin in LATE thursday night..stayin at mt aire as usual...

carwash 09-30-2009 12:24 PM

whats mt. aire?

boomhauer 09-30-2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by carwash (Post 28175)
whats mt. aire?

little hotel in harlan.

from what i understand, we are staying at doc's (on top of hill across from jerry's mkt.) i will have my torches and joey from van wert will have his welder if needed!

mckeddie 09-30-2009 03:32 PM

just came from branik, stan and roscoe are going to be staying up at docs too it looks like (outside with us it seems). dino is having knee surgery that friday, so he won't be making it.

carwash, you guys staying up at what ever the clearing at the top of cream puff and railbed?

carwash 09-30-2009 10:20 PM

I think that's the plan...

hardluck 10-01-2009 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by carwash (Post 28219)
I think that's the plan...

Is this area free camping? how many hotels are there and would they be full by now? the old lady isn't going to want to camp in a tent at the end of October. :D

Or is this a leave the woman at home kind of event? :beers:

carwash 10-01-2009 09:30 AM

Doubt if you would find lodging this late in the game... and a lot of camping is free, some is pay. And don't let anyone ever dictate to you when yer woman has to stay home, that will get your ass in trouble.

hardluck 10-01-2009 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by carwash (Post 28236)
Doubt if you would find lodging this late in the game... and a lot of camping is free, some is pay. And don't let anyone ever dictate to you when yer woman has to stay home, that will get your ass in trouble.

I didn't mean it like that at all, I just didn't want to drag her down if there wouldn't be any other women for her to meet/talk to.

carwash 10-01-2009 12:30 PM

I don't think mine is going, at this point anyway. Too much other stuff going on here... I'm already gonna be in hot water for missing a cross country meet, etc...

But, there were plenty of spouses that last time if i recall....

tinbeater 10-01-2009 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by hardluck (Post 28238)
I didn't mean it like that at all, I just didn't want to drag her down if there wouldn't be any other women for her to meet/talk to.

Mine will be there.
Hell, she will be driving most of the time.

mckeddie 10-01-2009 05:47 PM

i'm trying to get my wife to go, she always used to go to slade with me, she has a cheerleading competition that weekend though (her allstar squad for the gym we own), and teh kids' championship football game is that weekend too if they make it, which they most likely will, as no team has come within 40 points of them yet. wyatt is pissed and hopes his team finally gets beat, b/c he loves going (my kids go with me every year too). camping on the mountain is free, just have to be able to get your tow rig back in there if you have one, its quite a ways back to where carwash and them are staying (still can't remember what the hell it's called, its where all teh NC guys stay every year, and where i planned on staying this year originally). finally started working on the jeep last night, hoping to get it most of the way done by sunday night except for the engine cross brace.

humpy 10-13-2009 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by tinbeater (Post 28257)
Mine will be there.
Hell, she will be driving most of the time.

when you headed down greg??? you all campin in the verda field???

Brad@TORC 10-14-2009 08:48 AM

Our large group (12+ jeeps, 20+ people) will be staying at the Putney Campground. We'll see everyone down there. We're getting there Friday night, wheelin and watching all day saturday and then wheelin most of sunday as well. Look for the T.O.R.C. decals! :beers:

tinbeater 10-16-2009 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by humpy (Post 28798)
when you headed down greg??? you all campin in the verda field???

Hopefully Thursday night???
I Dont know if I going to take the camper or not?. If I do we will be in the field.

buckeyezuk 10-25-2009 12:03 PM

Had a good time at the fall crawl. nice to meet a few of you on here. got to meet kargomaster, boomhaur, and mckeedie while at lions den. humpy and i ran some new trails we hadnt ran before. your turn and crawfords cry were a alot of fun. the park did a good job repairing the exits of both. lower damnation wasnt too bad friday but had to have some help from warn on sat. the whitetail rock garden has changed alot. seen some rockwell buggys beat on it and roll a couple times. they put on a hell of a show. i rolled on my first attemp also. was able to make it up after that. overall a really good weekend. wil post some pics a little later.

sarge 10-26-2009 07:18 AM

Had a great week-end up until yesterday morning on the way home ( about 10 miles outside of Harlin.......:eek: Ka-Boom Duramax :eek: It took us another 14 hours and a huge tow bill to finally get home .....
Rant on -
I would also like to throw a big " F.... U.. out to the 500 folks that drove by and didn't stop. Not that anyone could have fixed the problem , but damn if Carwash didn't have one bar on his phone ( while standing on one foot )we would have been beat'n feet for miles . Maybe it's just me, but I at least stop to see if anyone needs anything......
-Rant off

Great run and not very crowded at all . I will let Carwash call the details, I'll just say , Rockwells = :D

carwash 10-26-2009 07:59 AM

Ah yes, it was a good time indeed. Did some serious muddin' on the trails Friday in the rain. Climbed some good stuff. I must say, it still absolutely amazes me that these rigs hold up to the abuse we throw at them. I know we build them to beat on, but some things just shouldn't hold up you would think.... Like tires i guess.

I learned a few things this weekend...

A 4-man tent does not really sleep 4 guys, unless yer drunk, and really cold, and really to lazy to put up another tent... I learned to not be the 4th person to get in this tent, because drunk fags like to spread the hell out.

I learned that if you are determined and cold enough, you can actually start one hell of a fire in the pouring rain. Enough Rotella will make anything go up in flames.

I learned that super hot metts, combined with much beer, makes for an interesting next morning.

I learned, and was amazed that sarge and i can actually drink nearly 5 cases of beer in less than 48 hours.

I learned the hard way that no matter how thick your sidewalls are, that they will lay open at will while spinning on rocks and roots at blurry speed. Who knew grapevines were so tough...


We found out that a pinion brake, combined with a very well placed steering ram, turns into an awesome mobile lathe. I guess they were really too pretty anyway...


I learned right about 8 miles outside of Harlan, that my Duramax is not near as badass as i thought it was. It now sounds like a Cummins, won't accept any throttle, won't even go into reverse. It fuct.

As a bonus to that lesson, I learned just how bad it can suck to be stuck in harlan for 6 hours. Hell not even Harlan, a one store town called Cold Iron. So small it's not even on the map, and the area goes by the name of Molus on a gps.

We learned that it will cost you $10 extra in driver tip to get a pizza delivered 2 miles past their set delivery area. And the pecker wanted more than $10, I though sarge was gonna beat his ass.

And ah yes... We learned that one nice size tow truck and get all of your junk back to your house... to the tune of roughly $600


So, we left Harlan at 9:23 yesterday morning... I walked in the door last night at 10:30... Sarge had to drive an hour more home... suck.

Good times? Yes, it's all part of it i guess.

Action shots? No, we were too busy being the action to take any.

CFD5 10-26-2009 08:13 AM

Thanks for being our tour guide for the weekend Carwash, we had a blast.:beers: Cutting all those tires sucked but I think we made up for it sat night about midnight. The 8.8 held up great.
My brothers had a great time and I think we may have converted the NYC city boy for the weekend, He wouldn't stop talking about all the rigs and how amazed he was with the places we were able to get to.
Good to meet you sarge and thanks for the well placed "firecracker". Thought I was dead.:eek:

carwash 10-26-2009 08:25 AM

Yes... a well-placed flash bang can clear a campsite out. Half the people thought they were dead, the other half ran for their lives...

Hell I knew it was going off, and it still made me pee a little... I didn't know you were gonna put it right in my freakin back pocket you crazy bastard.

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