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carwash 05-10-2010 07:38 PM


Copperhead would not be my first choice for centers... let us know what you think of them.
hahaha, already had this conversation with him... I look forward to seeing them. Cut the centers out of his wheels last week.... wasted a parting tool doing it. the 12 bolts don't chuck up near as nice as the 8 bolts do. I may not do another set...

sarge 05-12-2010 04:18 PM

Well , I guess all I can say is ....... I really want to see the centers also !! No word no noth'n :mad: .

Got the steering in , the axles are under it and tacked in , brakes done , still waiting on centers .

My wife had major back surgery Monday Morning and is still in the hospital so I have not got alot done . But it should be movable under it's own power tonight . ( on stocker rims and tires !!!)

still have a bunch of things to do .

gothodgie 05-12-2010 05:46 PM

Well wishes to your wife... hope the surgery does all the Doc's said it would...

I feel your pain, it sucks sitting around waiting on the post man...


sarge 05-14-2010 12:41 AM

Thanks , got it movable under it's own power last night ...... drove it out of the garage and had a little problem at the end of the driveway ....... I'll tell on myself at a later time :eek: ,,,,,, Still no centers .... send an e-mail to Copperhead and got nothing in return ..... gonna give'em till tomorrow and then it's flame on PIRATE style ......

Hope Springs Hauler 05-14-2010 09:49 AM

Lugnuts?:rolleyes: :confused:

sarge 05-14-2010 12:10 PM

nope ! :D still not going to tell on myself ....Hint .... to anyone that was on the night run to Can Opener in Harlen a few years back , I used some of the same afro engineering to get Brody back to camp as I need to get the rig from the bottom of the drive to the side of the house .

JasonCJ7 05-14-2010 11:46 PM

hehehe I was ther for that run. So is it a lawn ornament now or did you get back up the driveway?

sarge 05-15-2010 09:11 AM

:D Hahaha! got it back up in the drive at about 2:30 in the morning , I have to say it was a buzz kill to say the least .

Redriverranger 05-15-2010 08:03 PM

The suspense is killing me...... It can't be that bad, we've all done stupid stuff.

mckeddie 05-15-2010 10:01 PM

i think i remember you telling me this story at harlan that year, right after you told me about a tire hitting a grand cherokee, the grand cherokee story still has me laughing (and repeating), but i don't remember this one.

JasonCJ7 05-16-2010 12:00 AM

Lets just say j hooks are the same as u-bolts.

Sorry Sarge had to drop a hint.

sarge 05-16-2010 07:55 PM

OK . I could not find the correct u-bolts for the rear at any local stores and it was to late to drive to a spring shop . I had to get the Jimmy out of the garage so my mom and dad could have a garage sale during the Great Trenton garage sale week end . I ended up cutting a set of used u-bolts in half and welded some pieces of all thread to the now J- bolts . I used two side and cranked them down tight ........ I thought :D I backed out of the garage very very carefully and got to the end of the driveway and BANG !

The rear didn't come completely out from under the rig but almost . The big problem was it happened about 1:30 in the morning and all the neighbors had their windows open. It took till around 2:30 to get the rear end back in place

So it sits beside the house with ratchet straps holding the rear in .

I will be using a tow truck to get it back in the garage tomorrow :D ,

I called Copperhead Sat. morning and got the " oh your parts are in the mail " line of BS. so we'll see how much longer I will have to wait .

Going to drive down to Brieghton(SP?) Spring when I get off work tomorrow and get u-bolts ... I hope .

Hope Springs Hauler 05-16-2010 09:31 PM

They have treated me well. They even stayed after hours so that I could have my parts that day.

carwash 05-17-2010 12:19 AM

Brighton spring rules, been going to them for years. i used to use the one downtown but now there is one in walton out here by me.

sarge 05-17-2010 08:19 AM

Yep ! I have no complaints on Brighton , always had just what I needed !
But saying that probably just killed my afternoon .........." as I knock on wood !"

RuffedUpXJ 05-17-2010 11:09 AM

Yeah Brighton is a good group of guys. They usually throw the spring clips in for free for me

sarge 05-21-2010 10:40 PM

hit Brighton the other day and and they stayed open later to make my u-bolts and then hooked me up with no tax .....cash deal .... Hell of a company .

Centers came in yesterday afternoon and I quickly prepped them and welded them in ..... only having to make a bonzi run to TSC at 10 till 8:00 for another spool of welding wire :D got them all painted up and put together and even got them mounted on the rig . Pics coming soon . Still have to french in the shackle hangers on the front and final weld the perches , hope to be driving it this time tomorrow.

The Centers looked good , I guess all the Carwash Pirate bashing forced QC to step it up.

mckeddie 05-22-2010 01:50 PM

so how long till you are wheeling?

sarge 05-26-2010 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by mckeddie (Post 38428)
so how long till you are wheeling?

Hopefully a week or so. Got it drivable ( 2wd ) no front DS yet. I had a bad wheel bearing and ended upstripping the threads off the stub shaft on the passenger front :mad: :mad: Murphy's Law

The light shined on me last night . craigslist came through and I got another complete front 60 for $100.00 :cool:

it has new rotors , calipers and wheel bearing ....... but the Axle it broke in half .... no **** !!!! it was in a 1 ton cummins truck that hit a culvet and snapped the passenger side axle tube off right at the pumpkin and bent the inner axle shaft to about a 45* angle.

The rest of the axle is great ! So now I have a bunch of spare parts......

Anyway I have to put up a drive way mall crawler pic , sorry it's a crappy cell pic.


This one is my " It's a GMC thang ! ...... you wouldn't understand ! " pic :
oh and don't look at the tie rod in this one, I was in a hurry and didn't notice I put it kinda over and under until after I took the picture .....


kingchango 05-26-2010 04:13 PM

look out there's a cruiser behind you.......:beers:

RuffedUpXJ 05-26-2010 08:36 PM

Damn Trenton cops everywhere.

Looks good Mike, nice and wide. Those the 37's?

Mightg need some bigger meat soon.:)

sarge 05-27-2010 01:24 AM

yeah ! I just can't seem to go anywhere with out the Trenton poe poe finding me !!!

My plan is to run the 37's this year and then step up to at least 38.5's next spring .

Shooting for woods test this week end , got front end parts switched out today still have to play with a few adjustments , test drive tonight was better but not good enough .....

RuffedUpXJ 05-27-2010 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by sarge (Post 38579)
yeah ! I just can't seem to go anywhere with out the Trenton poe poe finding me !!!

My plan is to run the 37's this year and then step up to at least 38.5's next spring .

Shooting for woods test this week end , got front end parts switched out today still have to play with a few adjustments , test drive tonight was better but not good enough .....

I believe you are heading to your local spot?

Are those 37's 16.5's?

What you still need to fix on the drive?

sarge 05-27-2010 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by RuffedUpXJ (Post 38583)
I believe you are heading to your local spot?

Are those 37's 16.5's?

What you still need to fix on the drive?

Yes they are 16.5's with hummer H1's recentered w/ 3" BS .

Things that have to be done before it wheels :

Front drive shaft

Exhaust run

Cross member clearanced

Going to take some angles off a stock Dodge truck today and then compare it to mine . I think I have to much pinion angle and it is causing my problems.

No bump steer at all , just all over the road and hard to control at any speed .

Things that will get done later as time will allow:

Front and rear bumpers

Rock rails

lights- auxillary and rock

flat belly skid

mckeddie 05-27-2010 12:34 PM

wha'ts your caster set at?

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