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Hope Springs Hauler 04-01-2012 12:57 PM

Just waiting till my ride is back together............again.

frankensteinxj 04-01-2012 01:16 PM

Ill come out sometime this year.
Either in a jeep,... if the trails are wide enough :thumbup:
Or on a quad or dirtbbike.
Always willing to check out a new place especially if the price is right.

Patrick45015 04-01-2012 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by JeffK5 (Post 62861)
I for one think it's cool as hell of you to offer on a public forum a place to play...I don't see any problem if you bump your thread every time you go down and ride..the warmer/dryer it gets you'll start seeing more takers.

I'm getting ready to be a SxS owner and I would love to come give it a try some weekend.


Thats cool

Patrick45015 04-01-2012 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by yellowjacket (Post 62865)
Dirt bikes welcome?

Sent from my LS670 using Tapatalk

Yeah dirt bikes, quads whatever

Patrick45015 04-01-2012 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by frankensteinxj (Post 62874)
Ill come out sometime this year.
Either in a jeep,... if the trails are wide enough :thumbup:
Or on a quad or dirtbbike.
Always willing to check out a new place especially if the price is right.

I'm not sure if a jeep would fit yet might be tight but I do trail work pretty much every time I go. There is a couple big trees I want to take down but I want someone with me when I cut the big ones. Hopefully next time my cousin is down we can get them cut

Patrick45015 04-01-2012 07:31 PM

Only thing I need to stress to people that come is no littering and from a large ride I went on last weekend people don't seem to consider cig butts littering or they don't care. I do consider it litter

Patrick45015 04-04-2012 10:15 AM

I plan on going this weekend. I found out easter is Sunday so I imagine everyone is busy. I hope to have my go pro camera by the weekend so i should have some decent video when I return

Thompson85k5 04-08-2012 03:02 PM

You got any room for my fatty? I would be willing to help work some of the trails and property. You're only about 30 minutes from my house.


Patrick45015 04-08-2012 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Thompson85k5 (Post 63221)
You got any room for my fatty? I would be willing to help work some of the trails and property. You're only about 30 minutes from my house.


I would think so. Trail work help is always appreciated. :beers:

Patrick45015 04-09-2012 12:42 AM

Video from my new Go Pro camera much better quality


Thompson85k5 04-09-2012 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Patrick45015 (Post 63241)
Video from my new Go Pro camera much better quality


Damn! That looks like a blast. The trails don’t look that narrow and all the choke points look to have multiple approach angles. Unfortunately I work a really crazy schedule and I am in the process of looking for another job (possibly in another country) so I can’t make any concrete plans for wheeling. :(

Anyway, was that basically a “loop” from and then back to your cabin?

(And I think I fixed the link so you can see my rig)

Patrick45015 04-09-2012 11:19 AM

Yeah its a 2 mile loop around the property edge. There are other trails down to the creek and more trails being cleared. There may be couple problem spots for full size but nothing a chain saw can't fix

biggin69 04-09-2012 11:51 AM

Cant open the link on my phone.....

Patrick45015 04-09-2012 01:09 PM

Hmm works on my droid

Patrick45015 04-09-2012 11:18 PM

Well I just learned something. Hit play on the video then a little wheel looking icon appears towards right lower edge, click on that and check the quality mine was playing at 360p you can change it to 720p



Patrick45015 04-30-2012 02:36 PM


Roll over

Flxratd 04-30-2012 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by Patrick45015 (Post 63964)

looks like fun and expensive. good video but even it doesnt do the angle justice but it did the roll justice. i always hate that when you show someone some pics and try to explain that it was the wildest thing you ever did and they look at it and see flat ground.... nice vids

Patrick45015 04-30-2012 03:50 PM

Yeah hills never look the same in a pic as they do in person

Patrick45015 04-30-2012 03:53 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Here are the pics

biggin69 04-30-2012 05:14 PM

Nice Vid. Is that a GoPro? Looks like you knew it was coming.

Patrick45015 04-30-2012 05:23 PM

Yeah its GoPro. I didn't think it would stay upright at all backing up. I was only prepared for it to roll. If I had known it wouldn't instantly roll I would have had a better plan. Looking back I think I could have saved it but then I wouldn't have the cool video lol

jwend 05-01-2012 05:28 PM

YARD SALE!! lol nice

solar1 05-01-2012 08:40 PM

Nice vids. Picking up a RZR S LE this weekend myself.

Sent from Sputnik. Please send more Tang.

Patrick45015 05-05-2012 10:45 AM

Looks like I will be having some people out memorial day weekend. I know there are other rides and lot of things going on but if anyone wants to come check out my place they can. My friends don't have wheels so I give them rides and we hang out a lot and drink. Kinda mild time but if someone wants to come get a tour I will work you in lol. :beers: I may end up going down early but as is friday evening till monday afternoon

donaldcon 05-05-2012 10:25 PM

well it rolls smooth :)

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