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RuffedUpXJ 05-27-2010 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by mckeddie (Post 38590)
wha'ts your caster set at?

Yeah, Sarge if you have too much pinion angle more than likely your caster is too high causing it to be all over the road.

sarge 05-27-2010 02:39 PM

yep , I went down and took some reference notes from one of the City's stock Dodge trucks and on the flat top of the knuckle it's 5* to the rear. I know with out even going home and checking that mine is going to be way off . It will be no big deal as I only tacked the spring perches on . Hopefully I can get it close with out having to turn the knuckles .

KargoMaster 05-28-2010 02:45 PM


Hopefully I can get it close with out having to turn the knuckles...
Check out this guy... if you find that you're this far out... worth turning the knuckles...


Glad that the Centers worked out well for you.... looks good Sarge... This the third or fourth vehicle completed for you before I got back to mine?

:mad: :o :(

Nuts 05-30-2010 09:03 PM

I passed you in Trenton today,and the Jimmy looks real nice:beers:

sarge 05-31-2010 10:18 PM

Yep , thought that was you , Looked like you had a little fun in the mud.

sarge 06-06-2010 09:36 AM

Got the front bumper on it last night , I think it turned out cool ( and from the looks it got last night , so does the general public) .
Also got the exhuast moved out of the way and welded on the new Thrush welded muffler ..... Flowmaster copy for $40.00 at Advance . I think they sound better then a Flow and you can't beat the price.
Drive shaft and skid is up today after work.




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