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67fastback 01-09-2014 01:30 AM

Black Mountain Off-Road Adventure Area Price Increases!
I just found this on their fb page:
closed the group due to spam so if you want to join hit me up and add your email to the group.

Black Mountain Off-Road Adventure Area
Hello Everyone! Well the end of another year is in sight. Here at the Black Mountain Off Road Adventure Area we are making big plans for the upcoming year with new trails and projects. While we dislike having to increase our prices we find it a necessity to do so to improve and expand. Effective January 1, 2014 the price for permits will be as follows:

Yearly (Visitors) : $50.00 (includes a free map)
Yearly: (Local- valid official I.D. required)- $40.00
Family Plan: 1st Vehicle- $50.00. 2nd- $40.00 and each additional- $35.00
31 Day: $30.00

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause and hope that you understand this price increase is for the advancement and expansion of the area. We will continue to strive to provide a quality place to ride with a family environment.

Thank You
Black Mountain Offroad Adventure Area Staff

humpy 01-09-2014 09:29 AM

Here we go again everybody gonna start whining bout the prices

twiztedzuki 01-09-2014 10:55 AM

pbr went up to 8.49$!!! bastards!!

WrenchMonkey 01-09-2014 10:58 AM

Yep. Haspin is $20/day. Harlan is $30/month.

Seems pretty darn reasonable...


Originally Posted by twiztedzuki (Post 79173)
pbr went up to 8.49$!!! bastards!!

Is that the case price?

coachholland 01-09-2014 11:50 AM

Best deal in wheeling IMHO. $50 for a year per vehicle. Most places charge that or more per weekend per person.

94Dodge Truggy 01-09-2014 12:25 PM

The idea that they have to gain more money from this will fail unfortunately. All of the people who I know that go there once or twice a year say that they are not interested in going. More open trails for me so I will win on this!

93 Krawler 01-09-2014 12:43 PM

That's still a great price, and you get a free map. :thumbup:

humpy 01-09-2014 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by 94Dodge Truggy (Post 79178)
The idea that they have to gain more money from this will fail unfortunately. All of the people who I know that go there once or twice a year say that they are not interested in going. More open trails for me so I will win on this!

They are not interested in going back because of $15/year increase?

coachholland 01-09-2014 02:16 PM

Actually only $10. Fees were $40 a year in 2013. Agreed though. Someone being butt hurt over paying such a small amount considering how much land is down there needs to have their head checked. Just as an example of two other reclaimed coal mining parks on the east coast...

Rausch Creek: $15 membership, plus $35 a day plus $7 per passenger or $325 per person per year. No night riding.
Windrock: $88 per person, per year. No night riding.
Harlan: $50 a year per vehicle. 24/7/365 night or day.

94Dodge Truggy 01-09-2014 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by humpy (Post 79183)
They are not interested in going back because of $15/year increase?

I know a good amount of people who will not be going down because of this. The prices are going up and some are barely able to handle the rising costs. They would rather support our local riding areas. A few of them have had things stolen from the locals and have experienced crowded trails. I hope the crowds are lighter but I will miss some of the people who I ride with while I am there.

WrenchMonkey 01-09-2014 07:34 PM

I'm about as cheap a bastard as cheap bastards get. I've got less in my daily-driver trail rig, tow rig, trailer, and spare jeep combined than a lot of people have in their toy alone. I can squeeze a nickel!

But it's basic math that two days at Harlan are cheaper than two days at Haspin.

If you want to support local, that's awesome. If you've had a bad experience down there, I can certainly understand.

But to say it's because of a $5/trip price increase just seems disingenuous...


93 Krawler 01-09-2014 07:42 PM

I just can't see anyone not going to Harlan because of a $10 a year increase. If you're in to any motor sport, what's another $10... There's ways to beat the crowds, don't go on event weekends... I've never had any problems with thieves, but have heard of people getting ripped off.

comanchedude 01-09-2014 10:52 PM

first time I wheeled there it was FREE... dang the free stuff never last
second time it was a 200% increase , now its another what 50% dam I am pissed off :evilgrin:

twiztedzuki 01-10-2014 08:38 AM

also trails down there to hard, i stick to haspin its great

kkoepper 01-10-2014 09:31 AM


94Dodge Truggy 01-10-2014 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by WrenchMonkey (Post 79194)
I'm about as cheap a bastard as cheap bastards get. I've got less in my daily-driver trail rig, tow rig, trailer, and spare jeep combined than a lot of people have in their toy alone. I can squeeze a nickel!

But it's basic math that two days at Harlan are cheaper than two days at Haspin.

If you want to support local, that's awesome. If you've had a bad experience down there, I can certainly understand.

But to say it's because of a $5/trip price increase just seems disingenuous...


Do not forget about the extra time that it takes to get there and fuel.

94Dodge Truggy 01-10-2014 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by twiztedzuki (Post 79202)
also trails down there to hard, i stick to haspin its great

90% of the people on the board could not conquer the tough spots at haspin. Many do not know where the tough areas are even located.

Nuts 01-10-2014 11:40 AM


Originally Posted by 94Dodge Truggy (Post 79206)
Do not forget about the extra time that it takes to get there and fuel.

Even with fuel a weekend at harlan is about the same as a weekend at haspin, and the awesomeness makes up for the diffrence.

beer_goggles_009 01-10-2014 11:43 AM

Yet another positive to Harlan..... you know where the hard stuff is because they have a map that is well marked unlike places like Haspin.


94Dodge Truggy 01-10-2014 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by beer_goggles_009 (Post 79209)
Yet another positive to Harlan..... you know where the hard stuff is because they have a map that is well marked unlike places like Haspin.


Only a few have been able to read it though! :thumbup:

Like I stated earlier, I will be going there still. Some people make poor decisions.

Patrick45015 01-10-2014 04:13 PM

As far as theft goes its at haspin as well. A guy jumped in someone's truck and tried to steal it. He claimed he was just going to help his buddy who was stuck in the woods. Other stuff has been stolen. Gas, tools etc

comanchedude 01-10-2014 11:07 PM

Maybe if you live dead between them? but for me its over 500 mile round trip to blkmt. Haspin is about 90 ,gas to drive there and back alone in $150 or more (just round trip)
just basic math.

lets don't get silly here . blkmt is great. but lets don't say it cost the same as haspin for a weekend if you live around cincy. its like 5 times the cost if you add up everything

the cost to wheel there if fine, good deal... just in no way comparable to wheeling at haspin... just basic math


Originally Posted by Nuts (Post 79208)
Even with fuel a weekend at harlan is about the same as a weekend at haspin, and the awesomeness makes up for the diffrence.

Nuts 01-11-2014 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by comanchedude (Post 79218)
Maybe if you live dead between them? but for me its over 500 mile round trip to blkmt. Haspin is about 90 ,gas to drive there and back alone in $150 or more (just round trip)
just basic math.

lets don't get silly here . blkmt is great. but lets don't say it cost the same as haspin for a weekend if you live around cincy. its like 5 times the cost if you add up everything

the cost to wheel there if fine, good deal... just in no way comparable to wheeling at haspin... just basic math

I can break it down to actual numbers if you want, but for a long weekend with a passenger, and camping at both places, this is what my compairison is based off of.

In the same truck pulling the same trailer, with the same buggy on it, I used 3/4 of a tank of fuel getting to haspin and back home, and used just over a tank and a half going to Harlan and back.

At Haspin you pay for 2 people to stay for 3 days, at Harlan if you already have the vehicle pass its free.

So the price to get in and stay at haspin offsets the extra fuel needed for Harlan.

comanchedude 01-11-2014 03:06 AM

well in your case it must somehow work out that its only twice the fuel from your location to Harlan than haspin. in my case its 435 mile more driving from Ross.. and I don't have an extra person to pay for most of the time. so the 35 or 45 for a 3day run at haspin is only a 5 or 10 buck difference in park fees. but don't forget camping at haspin is included , Harlan charges to camp so if you add that fee back in you are not saving , it adds what $45. bucks ? still that's quite a bit more , in your case to only double the fuel cost /use that's interesting for sure. in my calculations rated at 12 mpg to simply double my fuel cost /use would indicate harlen was only 180 mile for me to drive ...as a trip to haspin and back is half a tank,(90) to harlen and back is 2.8 tanks at best (525) . with 16 gal tank .so due to my apparent odd location you do have an advantage somehow. so in your case I stand corrected :confused:


Originally Posted by Nuts (Post 79220)
I can break it down to actual numbers if you want, but for a long weekend with a passenger, and camping at both places, this is what my compairison is based off of.

In the same truck pulling the same trailer, with the same buggy on it, I used 3/4 of a tank of fuel getting to haspin and back home, and used just over a tank and a half going to Harlan and back.

At Haspin you pay for 2 people to stay for 3 days, at Harlan if you already have the vehicle pass its free.

So the price to get in and stay at haspin offsets the extra fuel needed for Harlan.

biggin69 01-11-2014 07:28 AM

Wasn't there a price argument in another thread? :D

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