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mossyoaktj 08-17-2010 07:40 PM

95 cherokee overheating
dad has a 95 cherokee with the 4.0 in it. its been having overheating problems. so far he has replaced thermostat , raditor, good waterpump. he just dropped a good little bit of money and too the head off replaced the head gasket. and.....still the jeep is overheating. any ideas

BiggDaddy 08-17-2010 09:34 PM

check anti-freeze?
This sounds simple, but have you checked the anti-freeze? That was the problem with mine, all I had to do was add some green stuff, again and again. Turned out to be a hole in the radiator, but some goop stopped that. Haven't had any problems since.

Good luck!


mossyoaktj 08-18-2010 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by BiggDaddy (Post 40755)
This sounds simple, but have you checked the anti-freeze? That was the problem with mine, all I had to do was add some green stuff, again and again. Turned out to be a hole in the radiator, but some goop stopped that. Haven't had any problems since.

Good luck!


yea he has also flushed the system as well.

WrenchMonkey 08-18-2010 01:37 AM

Fan clutch?

When does it overheat?


mossyoaktj 08-18-2010 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by WrenchMonkey (Post 40770)
Fan clutch?

When does it overheat?


fan clutch is good, and it has electrical fans as well. dad says it tends to overheat a lot on the open highway

RuffedUpXJ 08-18-2010 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by mossyoaktj (Post 40772)
fan clutch is good, and it has electrical fans as well. dad says it tends to overheat a lot on the open highway

With it being on open highway, where there is plenty of air flow across the radiator, that the water pump is the suspect since it isn't spinning as fast as running through the gears say hitting 3k or so but only hitting just over 2k. Or you may have a build up some where. POssible take the water pump off and have a look at the veins and make sure nothing spun.

Also, whats over heat to your dad? pinning the gauge or riding at 210?

sarge 08-18-2010 10:24 AM

Just last night I had to put a water pump on my sons 94 XJ , it has been over heating sitting in traffic and while flogging it on the trails and yesterday the thing started making all kinds of noise. Turns out the bearings in the water pump were shot....... the water pump was only 3 months old.

mossyoaktj 08-18-2010 05:52 PM

to dad overheating is pegged out to the red. but i kno hes removed the water pump and said it looks fine. ill mention it again to him tho about the water pump, the only thing he told me is that the fins looked good and all.

mossyoaktj 08-18-2010 06:02 PM

so im on the phone with dad and i have verified that it doesnt over heat while drivin around town just on the highway. his next option is getting the head shaved down.

so is there a chance that the head is slightly off level and letting build-up into the thermostat housing or is it most likely the water pump not spinning to the correct rpms while on the highway

eighty3bronco 08-18-2010 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by mossyoaktj (Post 40805)
hes removed the water pump and said it looks fine.

this scares me. just because it looks "fine" does not mean that it is.

mossyoaktj 08-18-2010 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by eighty3bronco (Post 40808)
this scares me. just because it looks "fine" does not mean that it is.

yea me too. but i dnt want to tell him to replace it and it not be it and still have to mill the head down.

mossyoaktj 08-18-2010 09:32 PM

any easy way to tell on the 4.0 if the water pump is workin up to par

WrenchMonkey 08-18-2010 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by mossyoaktj (Post 40805)
hes removed the water pump and said it looks fine...

I can not imagine tearing all the way into it, and not replacing a $25 part.

I mean, I'm cheap. Really cheap.

But I'm really lazy, too.


mossyoaktj 08-19-2010 01:04 AM

being a cheaper route will be a better way to go. and even if it doesnt work atleast you got new parts.

jfiscus 08-19-2010 08:50 AM

sounds like a clogged radiator or bad pump.

He did the head gasket w/o having the head checked out? I don't think this is the issue though if the pressures are the within tollerance on the cylinders.

Going down the highway the fans aren't doing much, as more air is flowing through on its own due to wind. And it's not overheating around town in slow driving, so the fans seem to be pushing well. So, I would assume a water pump (or clog somewhere) or a clogged radiator/line. try flushing it again.

tinbeater 08-19-2010 08:20 PM

check and see if the fan on the water pump isnt on backwards.

94Dodge Truggy 08-20-2010 09:05 AM

is this cherokee white with the woody decals in fairfield township? I have seen one being worked on and have wanted to stop by to see what is up.

mossyoaktj 08-20-2010 10:32 AM

not dad lives out in moscow in the middle of the boons. the cherokee is dark grey.he hasnt been able to work on it much hes been workin out of town.

8UP 08-21-2010 11:13 PM

Did he get the right water pump? Serpentine pumps spin the opposite direction than conventional belt types.

WrenchMonkey 08-21-2010 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by 8UP (Post 40909)
Did he get the right water pump? Serpentine pumps spin the opposite direction than conventional belt types.

Said he looked at it and put it back on, same one as before.


mossyoaktj 08-22-2010 09:28 AM

ok he just flushed the entire system again. new water pump, then flushed again. so we'll see how it goes

GPER 08-22-2010 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by mossyoaktj (Post 40806)
i have verified that it doesnt over heat while drivin around town just on the highway.

Does he has something on the front that is restricting the air flow at highway speeds?????? I know my 8274 winch will do this on the highway if I'm running over 70mph.

WrenchMonkey 08-22-2010 10:20 PM

If the tranny was slipping, making the engine run faster/harder at highway speeds than normal, would it cause overheating?

Really don't know, I'm grasping at straws here...


mossyoaktj 08-23-2010 12:07 AM

completely stock cherokee. its just a dd. no the tranny doesnt slip what so ever, the jeep runs superb witht he exception of the over heating. he said after he flushed it and put a new water pump in it its running way cooler than before but i havent heard if it was over heating on the high way any more.

itbrokeagain 08-23-2010 08:06 AM

Is this a closed or open system?

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