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kentuckytwostep 04-01-2013 07:29 PM

Slade Update - Urgent
Copied from the Krawlers forum:

Slade Update. This is Legit.

So the main road that goes through Sand Lick and also up to Big Bend Ridge is county road 1057 Sand Lick Road (The Narrows Road AKA). The USFS illegally closed and damaged this road in 2006 without the county consent. The county judge executive sent the county road crew in last Tuesday to reopen the road, which they did. On Friday, the USFS illegally retrenched the road and also posted a ranger to guard the county road. This morning, the ranger threatened to arrest the county road workers who showed up to reopen their road along with the judge if he showed his presence.

The judge has proof the road is county road 1057 Sand Lick Road and also that the documentation the USFS used to close and damage it was filled with errors, including stating the road was not a county road.
On Wednesday April 3rd at 9AM, the judge is leading his county road crew to reopen it once and for all.


Sand Lick Road is a few miles down Big Bend Road just outside Zachariah, KY (41301) which is in between Slade KY and Beattyville, KY.

Please spread the word and help show the public is not going to allow our access to be taken illegally. Be there to support our county and access to our forests in general. There are hundreds of miles of county roads in the national forest, this is the first of many we are taking back from illegal closures.

twiztedzuki 04-01-2013 08:52 PM

i have emailed governor bunch times but he/secretary says it federal not state. so b down april 3rd? i sure hope we pull this off i miss the narrows trail among others!

BIGRAM 04-01-2013 11:20 PM

I went to high school with the judge executive. He is smart enough to see the impact these closings could have on our local economy. It may make do a long day but I will try to show for this.

Sonnybob 04-02-2013 05:50 AM

Im going for sure. My favorite place to wheel

kentuckytwostep 04-02-2013 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by twiztedzuki (Post 74983)
i have emailed governor bunch times but he/secretary says it federal not state. so b down april 3rd? i sure hope we pull this off i miss the narrows trail among others!

typical politician... just pass the buck.

Yup, the third at 9am. There is quite a bit of discussion on the krawlers board I just posted on here because I know how many of you yankees like to come down here and play with us hillbillies!!

twiztedzuki 04-02-2013 03:03 PM

lmao! all my buddies from irvine going, seen the lexington channel 18 news is at big bend rd right now interviewing people and rangers have left area to avoid media!

KargoMaster 04-02-2013 03:08 PM

I sure hope that everyone has their paperwork in order on this one... would be a great win for us... Wish I could make it down, sent word to locals... Hope to hear good things tomorrow...

Redriverranger 04-02-2013 08:25 PM

It appears everything is not in order yet. Last post I saw was it is cancelled/ delayed pending further investigation into legality issues. It is definitely getting a lot of attention though.

KargoMaster 04-03-2013 01:11 AM

I almost dislike the fact that I wrote that before the cancellation... boo.

dagr8tim 04-03-2013 09:58 AM

I read about this yesterday. I just want to keep up on the proceedings.

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