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Nuts 04-03-2013 10:19 PM

weld on locks
3 sets of plane Jane weld on beadlocks for 15" rims. They're1/4" thick with 32,3/8" holes,and 2" wide. $120 a set 513-649-2422

Nuts 04-15-2013 05:22 PM

120 a set!

Nuts 05-19-2013 10:32 AM


Nuts 07-02-2013 10:22 AM

Top, $120 a set

underpowered 09-26-2013 08:37 PM

have any weld ons available?

Nuts 09-26-2013 10:14 PM

I'm actually making some tomorrow, how many and what size wheel?

underpowered 09-26-2013 10:25 PM

15's and i know i need one full set of 4.

chrisc 09-27-2013 09:31 AM

Ill take a set please. Text me when they are ready.

yozuki 09-27-2013 03:44 PM

Do you or can you make wider outer ring?
Just something different.

Nuts 09-28-2013 04:13 PM

I can, its just easier to make them all the same size. What do you want?

tree_bashed_sammy 11-08-2013 10:29 PM

hey do u have any 15 inch rings available my number is 5134657742 my name is david

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