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-   -   Hillz n Hollarz reopening?!? (https://www.cincyoffroad.com/forumOLDVB3/showthread.php?t=10256)

WrenchMonkey 05-10-2013 02:21 PM

Hillz n Hollarz reopening?!?
There's a post on NAXJA that the former HnH property has been sold and is reopening under new name and ownership...

Link and details to follow!


WrenchMonkey 05-10-2013 02:27 PM




Originally Posted by Little Jeep
I'll bring this very old and very dead thread back to life......

There is a new OHV Park opening in Henry County Kentucky.... in fact, it is the same land and trails that Hillz & Hollarz once operated. There is ZERO connection to the old H&H except the trails/land is the same. If you ever wheeled on this land, you know that the trails are awesome.

Here is a link to the facebook page:


There is also another new OHV Park called Horseshoe Bend, which is located in nearby Owen County. You could do one park one day, and the other park the next. Horseshoe Bend has a Facebook page as well.

BTW, I have no connection to either park, I am simply posting the fact that two new OHV Parks have opened in the same area. We don't hear of this happening too often.

Coppertop 05-10-2013 02:56 PM

Cool...I'm ready to go.:beers:


T-bird 05-10-2013 04:29 PM

I hit Hillz n Hollars back about 2008 and it was a lot of fun. It nice to have an option of good wheeling thats a little closer than Slade and Harlan. I will defiantly head there this year.

GPER 05-11-2013 10:08 AM

What does this mean????? We allow jeeps, buggies, etc. at all times when we are open and they MUST be hauled in.

So you can't drive one down?????

WrenchMonkey 05-11-2013 11:13 AM

Really? I didn't see that at all...

elmer91 05-11-2013 12:11 PM

Its the first bullet point in the description in the about me section.


Mud Madness Off-Road Park is open on weekends beginning one hour after sunrise on Saturday mornings and closing one hour prior to sunset Sunday. We allow jeeps, buggies, etc. at all times when we are open and they MUST be hauled in.
Seems like a cool place to go, definitely gonna have to check it out.

WrenchMonkey 05-11-2013 12:16 PM

Yeah, I see it now. That's pretty dumb.

I tow, because I had to leave my junk on the side of the road exactly once, and now I know I'll at least get it home.

But a lot of the guys I wheel with drive theirs. If they're not welcome, I'm not interested...

Maybe a town stipulation to keep wild rigs off the street? I dunno...


WrenchMonkey 05-11-2013 12:21 PM

From facebook:


Originally Posted by Mud Madness
We are so sorry that it is haul in and haul out right now. That is the planning and zoning rules for Henry County, hopefully we can work something different out soon! thank you for your support, we appreciate it. Just keep checking in with us please, as things always change. thank you

Coppertop 05-11-2013 02:38 PM

Another reason why,I need to get a rig to tow...:D


elmer91 05-11-2013 02:56 PM

Hopefully they do change it like they want to. It doesnt affect me, but it does affect quite a few people i wheel with. Really want to check this place out.

Drivermod 05-11-2013 07:00 PM

I envision one truck, one trailer, and lots of loading and unloading on the road out in front of the park. Easy work around.

timido 05-11-2013 07:27 PM

"We are so sorry that it is haul in and haul out right now. That is the planning and zoning rules for Henry County, hopefully we can work something different out soon! thank you for your support, we appreciate it. Just keep checking in with us please, as things always change. thank you"

Off their Facebook page.

67fastback 05-12-2013 12:10 AM

Hope they fix the zoning up. Guess they done want all the mud up and down the streets...
Last time I was there HNH the neighbor seem to be an issue also. did not want anyone crossing over on his land .. He stood down on the fence line with his shotgun... :confused:

I wonder if they built up the shack for food and bathrooms? i know they were working that building before they closed down...

WrenchMonkey 05-12-2013 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by Drivermod (Post 75785)
I envision one truck, one trailer, and lots of loading and unloading on the road out in front of the park. Easy work around.

No thank you. At least five or ten minutes to load, and then to unload, and to drive back and forth, half hour per rig. You'd spend two hours trying to "sneak" four rigs in, and two more hours sneaking them back out.

To say nothing of the reaction if/when the zoning board caught on.

No, for now anyway, this park is for the quads and tube buggies. Shame, but that's that.


humpy 05-12-2013 09:20 AM

Um... Last I knew about this park u could completely cover it on 31" tires with no lockers... My brother in law did it.. So why the need to haul in? Hell why the need to even go if that's the case? There wasn't anything there to challenge the haul truck let alone a mildly built or an extreme built ride... Sorry to be an ass but there's a reason they didn't have a whole lot of support before... I went to the court proceedings and town meetings for this park.. The neighbor was a problem and so was the guy runnin it... With a haul in/haul out for a rig that most would drive to work, the park won't make it a month

GPER 05-12-2013 09:25 AM

I don't see how they can keep a street legal jeep off of the street, looks like they need to buy a broom, and set up a wheel wash.

Red Dog 05-12-2013 08:28 PM

Can you use your rig to haul in a junker and leave it on the trailer in the lot then hook up and leave....there is a loophole for everything.


WrenchMonkey 06-03-2013 03:44 PM

Good news! They're now saying you can drive it in!

I can't pull up the facebook conversation on my work computer, but it's under their "Rules" posting.

This might work: http://www.facebook.com/n/?notes/mud...kZvd7dywfgMeyB


comanchedude 06-05-2013 08:38 PM


Coppertop 06-08-2013 08:48 AM

Good to hear.I'm thinking a july trip....:evilgrin:


MudMadnessMotorSports 09-03-2013 10:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Sounds like everybody everybody has herd the news. Yes we are reopened and under family management same land and same land owners.
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