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mckeddie 05-26-2013 10:55 PM

Plastidip, my newest obsession
Yep, the stuff you dip your screwdrivers in. So I'm pretty much obsessed with this stuff. Been painting everything I can get my hands on. If you don know what it is, then look it up on YouTube. It awesome.

Thin it down with a 50% naphtha or xylene mix, and it sprays out if an hvlp gun perfectly. If you don't like it, just peel it back off like a piece of vinyl. No prep to your paint, and when you peel it off, you can never tell it was there. I've been restriping the camaro about once a week.

You can buy it in aerosol cans, or for bigger things by the gallon. I went ahead and got a 5 gallon bucket for $290. Mixed with naphtha, gives me 10 spray able gallons. Think I paid $14 a gallon for the naphtha. Bought 4 cans of blaze purple from dipyourcar.com to do he camaros stripes.


First thing I tried was some flat black stripes on the camaro just to try it out. Had at least 10 minutes of effort in these in the parking lot at work one day.

Then Went ahead and ordered the purple (to match the head lights).



fordman00 05-26-2013 11:03 PM

Seen this on the diesel forums really wanting to do my rims with this!

Sent from my DROID RAZR

mckeddie 05-26-2013 11:06 PM

Next decided it was time to try something a little bigger, and decided to see how durable this stuff is. Bought a gallon of red, and sprayed the buggy. I liked the old purple better, but everyone else hated it. I figured butch wheels it more Han me, so I'd paint it a color he likes.


Started getting pretty good at this, so decided the truck needed some freshening up.

Here's how it started.

Painted the wheels, bumpers and brush guard.

Figured if it was this easy, may as well do the whole thing.
Got the lower half painted.

Then went ahead and finished the whole thing. Turned out pretty sweet.

I used glossifier on the wheels to make them shinier than the regular matte finish.

Ordered a new kind that is for tinting lights. Gonna do all the lights with it. It's held up good so far. I've been hauling stuff n it nonstop, and using it trying o see how it will hold up. Also gonna do the camaros wheels soon, I hate chrome.

humpy 05-27-2013 11:14 AM

U ruined another truck!!! What's with the flat black?! Flatbillers lol

mckeddie 05-27-2013 12:40 PM

This stuff peels right off. The red looks just as bad ne'er neath as it did before I painted it.

67fastback 05-29-2013 01:03 PM

lets see some flames on the carmaro...

race10 06-02-2013 06:53 PM

It think the truck should be done in the purple.

mckeddie 06-09-2013 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by race10 (Post 76168)
It think the truck should be done in the purple.

The thought has crossed my mind.

rockwhore 06-10-2013 09:47 AM

how much taping off does it require? just like painting a vehicle? what about overspray? any in process pics?

mckeddie 06-10-2013 09:54 AM

No real taping off if ya don't want to. It peels right off of everything. Thr pic with the top of the truck red wad in the middle of painting. Amazing how easy it is. Look on YouTube, dipyourcar.com has lots of how to videos.

Nuts 07-26-2014 10:26 PM

So hows this truck look now, is it peeling and chipped or holding up good? I have a dually that needs to be a different color because I hate red trucks :d'oh:

mckeddie 07-27-2014 01:05 AM

I'll take a pic tomorrow lol. It's held up great, excel where someone drew penis' s on it all over in deodorant. Apparently thats, a great way to ruin flat plastic. I peeled those sections bc I couldn't cover it up. The rest of the truck I'm extremely happy with. I've been wanting to redo it, just haven't had time. I did the hood and trunk on my BMW bc I hated the clear on them. I'll get a pic of that too. I've just been working too much (haven't had buggy out this year, been working 14+ hour days 6 days a week. Life sucks, I've had 2 days off since january).

Nuts 07-29-2014 11:41 AM


Originally Posted by mckeddie (Post 81257)
I'll take a pic tomorrow

Which tomorrow were you talking about? smileypoke

mckeddie 07-29-2014 11:44 AM

This one. Lol. I just peeled some off thinking I may repaint it this afternoon if It dries enough after I wash it.

dropitlow88 08-05-2014 01:22 PM

How hard is it to get an even coat on there? I'd love to do this to my crew cab because the paint is old and chalky.. How well does it cover imperfections? very cool, i'd be interested in the longevity of it for sure. How much did it take to cover your dually? I have a 94 dually crew cab so it would give me a good estimate on how far that 5 gallon bucket will go. Thanks

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