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-   -   Dirty Turtle, Saturday the 22nd (https://www.cincyoffroad.com/forumOLDVB3/showthread.php?t=10315)

WrenchMonkey 06-10-2013 03:05 PM

Dirty Turtle, Saturday the 22nd
We had such a blast at DTOR last week that we all decided to head back.

It seemed to work pretty well, meeting at the Union KY reststop (MM177) about 8. Even with my flat and the group gas-up, we hit the park about 9:30.

Current list:
Me, Robert - WrenchMonkey
Nick - Coppertop
Tom - ComancheDude
Chris - GotHodgie
Camden - BlackCJ
Luke - LukesTJ
Jim - BeerGoggles
Kevin - 93Krawler
- RunOverU2

And maybe:
TonyV - BrokeAgain
Nick - NoMods
- Underpowered
- SonnyBob

Chime in and I'll update!

See ya!


Coppertop 06-10-2013 03:40 PM

I'll have a new tailpipe..:thumbup: Goodbye to all the big 4.0 noise.


WrenchMonkey 06-10-2013 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Coppertop (Post 76288)
I'll have a new tailpipe...

Cool! Installing the the one you "found" on the waterfall? :D

I got my new bottlecap on, and a spare in the toolbox.

The winch solenoids I ordered didn't fit at all, so I have to rework the mounting box. But I'll manage...

Coppertop 06-10-2013 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by WrenchMonkey (Post 76289)
Cool! Installing the the one you "found" on the waterfall? :D

I got my new bottlecap on, and a spare in the toolbox.

The winch solenoids I ordered didn't fit at all, so I have to rework the mounting box. But I'll manage...

Heck no that's a yota exhaust..:D Good to hear your rig is good ,I bet you cleaned a bunch of mud from the radiator.


WrenchMonkey 06-10-2013 07:20 PM

I actually cleaned the whole rig. I think that's the first time since the CORE Tour in November.

You know it's a helluva car wash when you have to SHOVEL your DRIVEWAY afterwards! :cool:


underpowered 06-10-2013 08:37 PM

put me on the maybe list. i'd like to go but not sure if i will have time to do what i want to my junk before then....mainly re-do the exhaust.

cincygman 06-10-2013 09:23 PM

Hhmmmmmm.......... well if the cobra show plans fall through........ I'm a possible maybe :D

xj joey 06-11-2013 10:21 PM

I got to fix my out put shaft bearing on the transfer case. Won't get it done by then.

67fastback 06-12-2013 02:08 AM

Rob, i will not be there for 22nd ride but will be going back there on july 11-14... I can show you how to wheel some of those hills then if you like... :thumbup: :eek::D

Sonnybob 06-12-2013 09:48 AM

Tryin to find another trailer after the last attempt to meet you guys. But i may go.

WrenchMonkey 06-12-2013 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by 67fastback (Post 76316)
Rob, i will not be there for 22nd ride but will be going back there on july 11-14... I can show you how to wheel some of those hills then if you like... :thumbup: :eek::D

Sorry, CORE's July Run is still the Main Event at BadLands. Guess my tutorial will have to wait... :D


Originally Posted by Sonnybob (Post 76319)
Tryin to find another trailer after the last attempt to meet you guys. But i may go.

Don't know if your buggy will fit on a UHaul, but you can get one for $50 a day...

Looking like another really good group! See y'all next week!


gothodgie 06-20-2013 11:10 AM

So who all is planning on going and is anybody going to camp saturday night? I will be camping if anyone else decides too... unless it's to hot...


Coppertop 06-20-2013 02:37 PM

I'm not camping.Just wheeling on saturday...


93 Krawler 06-20-2013 03:56 PM

If I can finish grooving my tires and fix my cooler fans, I will go. I should be able to get it done. :sweatin:

gothodgie 06-20-2013 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by 93 Krawler (Post 76417)
If I can finish grooving my tires and fix my cooler fans, I will go. I should be able to get it done. :sweatin:

get it together knucklehead... smileypoke

itbrokeagain 06-20-2013 05:56 PM

Its still up in the air. I will be there Sunday if I am able to go

cincygman 06-20-2013 07:46 PM

Going to the car show, have fun wheeling!

WrenchMonkey 06-20-2013 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by itbrokeagain (Post 76423)
Its still up in the air. I will be there Sunday if I am able to go

That'd be great, but we're all going Saturday...


93 Krawler 06-20-2013 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by gothodgie (Post 76419)
get it together knucklehead... smileypoke

:p :p :p I got this. :thumbup: See ya'll at the rest stop Saturday.

itbrokeagain 06-20-2013 10:45 PM


Originally Posted by WrenchMonkey (Post 76425)
That'd be great, but we're all going Saturday...


Hmm guess I can't read very well. Thought some were camping and.wheeling Sunday?

WrenchMonkey 06-20-2013 11:35 PM

Some mentioned camping. Guess I assumed they were heading down Friday night.

I dunno...

Sonnybob 06-21-2013 03:03 AM

Took a vacation day today to go get a new gatormade trailer. Hopefully it will last longer than the last one that got hit. 100 miles. Lol.
I got a new orbital valve to replace an im ready. Im very much a noob to the area (from moab) so i'd love to meet up with you guys somewhere an tag along if yall dont mind. Also may camp so ill bring plenty of beverages for everyone. Im the new guy right? My turn to buy. Lol. Im 20 miles north of lexington off 27. Thanks

tjjeepjeep 06-21-2013 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Sonnybob (Post 76435)
Im the new guy right? My turn to buy. Lol.

you will fit in just fine with this crowd. :hugegrin: :beers:

Coppertop 06-21-2013 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by tjjeepjeep (Post 76436)
you will fit in just fine with this crowd. :hugegrin: :beers:

For sure,a newbie who buys...Heck yeah.


WrenchMonkey 06-21-2013 09:36 AM

Heck yeah, we need more friends like that!

So are you guys going down tonight-tomorrow, or Saturday-Sunday?

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