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fordman00 09-07-2013 05:50 PM

Reloading anyone?
Anyone reload their own rounds? I'm just starting to get into it and looking for advice. And also bullets and primers. Lol :D:thumbup:

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yozuki 09-07-2013 07:07 PM

All depends on what your wanting to reload.

Hope Springs Hauler 09-07-2013 07:42 PM

Keep a log so you can reproduce what worked well and not repeat what stunk.
(Powder brand and type, powder charge, bullet type and weight)
Use calipers to measure critical dimensions (include Overall length and crimped diameter.
Carbide dies are a good thing.
Get a reload manual to tell you what bullet diameter to get and charge weights to experiment with (example 45cal has .451, .452, and .458 bullets in similar weights)

fordman00 09-07-2013 11:15 PM

Ill be reloading 9mm,.45 and eventually .223. I just bought a Lee single stage set up. I bought the 45 dies already. so far I have my
Alliant unique powder
Brass on order

What I still need is
Bullets(can't find any online or local)
Primers(havent made it to bass pro)

I have a Lyman recipe book. What am I missing in there? anything? Any recommendations on where to bull bullets. Also have two calipers,and a set of micrometers.


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yozuki 09-07-2013 11:44 PM

You might do better to buy in bulk when you find what works best in your gun.
What works well in mine may not shoot at all through your guns. Like Hot Springs said keep a log of it all bullet weights & type as well as powder and brand. Inspect your brass they will have to be sized look for cracks any unusual damage don't use it . Have fun it going to be a lot of trial and error.

fordman00 09-07-2013 11:54 PM

I understand that. already planned a log. I can't find any bullets in bulk. I bought 250ct. Brass for 20 + shipping.

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Coppertop 09-08-2013 07:40 AM

I buy alot of bulk bullets here.http://www.grafs.com/

The last gun show(Bill Goodmans) in Sharonville,there was primers for sale.The prices on most items seem to be dropping down to more reasonable...


yozuki 09-08-2013 09:24 AM

just do a search if non of these help I just head to local gun shops in my area pick up what I need if they don't have go to another or order it up myself.. Good luck and have fun.

fordman00 09-08-2013 11:26 AM

Midway is out of .45 and local no one sells.

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fordman00 09-08-2013 12:44 PM

That ive found

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fordman00 09-11-2013 07:31 PM

Well I got my press all set up and everything and deprimed and resized about 150 RDS so far. Now I need bullets and primers. Not to difficult once you get started.:thumbup:

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Coppertop 09-12-2013 03:00 PM

Bill Goodmans got a gun show in Sharonville this weekend.Your sure to find some bullets and primers.:thumbup:


fordman00 09-12-2013 08:01 PM

Well maybe I can make it Sunday. Saturday gotta work 16 hrs.

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fordman00 09-19-2013 11:44 PM

Anyone knlw how to set up the Lee three die 45 acp set for bullet seating and crimping? I keel going below oal and not getting it crimped just right.

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Coppertop 09-20-2013 08:08 AM

I always do this in two steps.First seating the bullet without a crimp using a Hornady seating die.Second step Crimping the bullet with a Lee Factory Crimp Die.


Hope Springs Hauler 09-20-2013 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by fordman00 (Post 77759)
Anyone knlw how to set up the Lee three die 45 acp set for bullet seating and crimping? I keel going below oal and not getting it crimped just right.

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How far below OAL?


Originally Posted by Coppertop (Post 77765)
I always do this in two steps.First seating the bullet without a crimp using a Hornady seating die.Second step Crimping the bullet with a Lee Factory Crimp Die.


This is the process that the dillon progressive that I have uses.

fordman00 09-20-2013 05:59 PM

I'd have go measure them again. Anywhere from 1.264-1.268 around in there.

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