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the gimp 10-21-2013 10:30 PM

need some help
Well weather has turned faster than I thought and with things happening the way they have with my Mas health I haven't had much time but the zj is killing me on gas and our dd toyota front main went bad. So my thing is I need some help between no garage and not being able to wear my leg due do a sore from over doing I need a wrenching buddy with a garage near camden in the near future. I don't drink anymore but I'll get pop and pizza lol

WrenchMonkey 10-23-2013 06:54 PM

Sorry man, other side of the world from me, and I'm swamped until the Tour...

We've got a fair number of Fairfielders n Hamiltonians, maybe one will chime in.

Good luck with it!

the gimp 10-24-2013 01:03 AM

Thanks weather says there some semi warm weather next week so I might get lucky and have a day or two I can bust it out lol or just burn the mother down muahahahaha

Runoveru2 10-24-2013 02:24 PM

What Kind of toyota Motor ya got with the problem with ? What vehicle is it in ?

tjrider 10-25-2013 06:57 AM

Your more than welcome to use my garage. I'm in fairfield off 127

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