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JeffK5 10-17-2014 06:12 PM

7.3 Ford injector question
I have a 2000 PSD Ford that I just resealed the injectors and replaced the under cover harnesses to try and fix a sporadic miss. It didn't help so now I need to check the injectors and if they come back good I'm thinking that the high pressure oil pump is failing.

My question does anybody know anyone who can sound check or "buzz" check through the injector harness on stock Ford injectors? Or recommend a good diesel guy , I'm not looking for a high performance tuner just someone with the right scan tools that can cycle electric injectors.

I PMd a couple guys the ?? and I thought I would start a thread for some of the guys around here with diesel knowledge.

Thanks , Jeff

fordman00 10-18-2014 12:40 AM

Prebles diesel performance or Warren county diesel....ive used both. Both are good from what ive hear and ive had good experience with both. Warren county diesel rebuilt my fuel bowl on my 99 ford and installed some gauges for me. They maintain franklin city school buses.

JeffK5 10-18-2014 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by fordman00 (Post 82061)
Prebles diesel performance or Warren county diesel....ive used both. Both are good from what ive hear and ive had good experience with both. Warren county diesel rebuilt my fuel bowl on my 99 ford and installed some gauges for me. They maintain franklin city school buses.

Thanks, I've heard of Warren County Diesel ..if the stuff Im trying today doesn't help I think I'll be giving them a call come Monday.


fordman00 10-18-2014 07:17 AM

No problem. Is there excessive smoke at start up? Hard starts? Smoke while driving more than normal? What color is the smkke?

JeffK5 10-18-2014 08:13 AM

Started as a little loss of power then a dead miss under light pulls on hills..changed the cam sensor as this will make a 7.3 run funky ..no change. Then I started noticing a little smoke and oil consumption..even less power so I pulled the fuel filter to see if I picked up some dirty fuel..it was black with engine oil. This is a sign the injector seals are bad letting oil back feed to the filter housing. I changed seals and tossed in new harnesses and glow plugs while I was in the motor. Still runs sluggish..with sporadic miss and some smoke. Today I'm checking IPR .

fordman00 10-18-2014 03:16 PM

Sounds like you know what you're doing. I was going to recommend the cam sensor.lol. yea could be a injector hanging up.best bet is to get them tested.

JeffK5 10-18-2014 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by fordman00 (Post 82067)
Sounds like you know what you're doing. I was going to recommend the cam sensor.lol. yea could be a injector hanging up.best bet is to get them tested.

I replaced the fuel filter this morning and it looked like hell, when I put the new one on I filled it full of Powerservice injector cleaner. I put about 50 miles on it and every mile it seemed to run better , smoke less and not stumble. When I changed the injector o-rings yesterday I had one lower seal that was messed up and an injector that was obviously not working correctly ..I'm thinking it was stuck and maybe the cleaner loosened it up.

fordman00 10-18-2014 06:52 PM

That was my next suggestion run a good additive through it...use an extra dose and get out and rump on it a little bit to try and clean the system out.

fordman00 10-18-2014 06:52 PM

Another thing maybe replace your fuel filter in a week or so or at least check it.

JeffK5 10-18-2014 07:45 PM


Originally Posted by fordman00 (Post 82070)
Another thing maybe replace your fuel filter in a week or so or at least check it.

I'm gonna try to give it a look, replacing this thing 4 or 5 times in couple weeks is gonna get exspensive.

fordman00 10-18-2014 07:47 PM

Lol.yea there not cheap. I buy mine offline for my fass on my dodge.Amazon. still probably wouldn't hurt to get the injectors tested.

fordman00 10-30-2014 03:58 PM

Any update on this?

JeffK5 10-30-2014 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by fordman00 (Post 82198)
Any update on this?

Yep, still has sporadic miss and down on power. I rigged up a fuel pressure gauge to check supply to the HPOP and everything was as good as new. I did find a IPR sensor leaking oil pretty bad which will supposedly make the computer controlled trucks have very irratic injector operation, It needs to be replaced and maybe it will also fix the problem.

fordman00 10-30-2014 06:28 PM

Well making headway at least.are you still getting oil in your fuel bowl?

JeffK5 10-30-2014 08:06 PM


Originally Posted by fordman00 (Post 82201)
Well making headway at least.are you still getting oil in your fuel bowl?

Nope, I checked the couple week old filter and it was white and clean as the day I put it in. The odd thing is this time I drained the filter housing and found a couple tablespoons full of what looked like carbon powder or soot in the bottom of the housing. I can't say for sure but the last oil change before my truck started acting up had a bottle of the Hot Shot's Secret oil additive which is supposed to clean and remove carbon deposits from injectors..odd that after 15 years of perfect reliability these two things happened at the same time.

fordman00 10-30-2014 08:11 PM

Oh..yea ive never trusted any oil additive enough to run it. That could be the cause of the sporadic miss.did to good of a job cleaning. Only ive ever used in a ford for power service, Lucas, and diesel 911 (only once a year).now in my dodges I run two cycle and standyne.

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