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bootlegger 02-03-2015 10:31 AM

Badlands winch
Any thoughts on the 12k model? I'm thinking about getting one for my Dodge. It will most likely have minimal use.

donaldcon 02-03-2015 10:55 AM

All of the China brands seem to be decent but they usually fail when you need them most.

If it's a truck that will not need it much it should serve it's purpose fine.

I usually run the cheap winches on car trailers and vehicles I won't need to rely on it to keep me from going over a mountain.

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blustroker 02-03-2015 02:44 PM

I have one mounted on a hitch receiver plate. It gets used on my trailers mostly but gets used for everything else also. First one died about a week after I bought it but the replacement has been going strong for about 3 yrs. It has been used and abused. Still not sure I would rely on it to get me out of the woods though. Used it once to pull out my f350 crew cab and it gave the winch a good workout.

Ky Mudhunter 02-04-2015 12:08 PM

A buddy of mine bought one and it would not winch out when he got it. He took the pendant apart and found one of the wires was not soldered to the switch. He soldered it together and now it works fine but he has only used it once or twice.

elmer91 02-04-2015 08:43 PM

I bought one that i havent installed yet. gonna be used very little (hopefully). If you catch it on sale, and dont plan to use it a daily/weekly or whatever, the $300 for the sale price is worth it.

Incommando 02-05-2015 05:01 PM

I got an ENGO 9,000 # winch with an optional waterproof cover for $305 for both including shipping. They get decent reviews. It was at my door in 2 business days


bootlegger 02-05-2015 09:48 PM

Thanks fellas. All helpful info.The 300 $ price is just hard to beat.
I'll get the hitch mount and use it front and rear. My ranch hand front bumper has a 2 inch reciever.
I had my slide in camper loaded up and slid off a forest road in the Monongahela forest WV with just a high lift jack and we couldn't get er out.

itbrokeagain 02-12-2015 03:31 PM

My 12k badland on my Toyota has more than. Paid for itself. It has not let me down and it pulls hard. It has been underwater several times and it still works just fine.

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