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simpletoy 02-06-2015 07:28 AM

Buggy build
I suppose this my be the best place to post if not my apologies.

Got my chassis back from powder thursday and slapped the engine cage on there. Can't wait to get back on it but I have some side work to finish first.
Anyways here's a pic

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Runoveru2 02-06-2015 08:37 AM

Looking good:thumbup:

93 Krawler 02-06-2015 12:12 PM


tbshakie 02-06-2015 01:51 PM

i have a feeling if i ever got to ride in a buggy, i wouldnt touch anything else.


JasperJeep 12-28-2015 09:40 AM

Like to see some pics.

WrenchMonkey 01-05-2016 10:04 PM

11 months today, wonder what happened...

simpletoy 01-06-2016 10:26 AM

Sorry guys it's been done for some time now have been on multiple rides also.

This was at windrock the only picture I got my friends took some though

Harlan playing on little Jagger I ended up frying some piston rings and lost all low end power so I wasn't able to really try very hard at this one


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WrenchMonkey 01-06-2016 11:07 AM


JasperJeep 02-20-2016 05:10 PM

Who did your powder coat?

simpletoy 02-22-2016 09:15 AM

Leonards powdercoating on Newport. You have to take t to him prepped though he only does an acid bath no sand blasting. But for his price I couldn't beat it.

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