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timido 05-06-2015 11:04 PM

14bolt question
14 Bolt in 2500hd Chevy. I have rear hubs apart to replace the parking brake junk. The rear parking brake brackets rusted apart. Should the inner part of the wheel bearings slightly spin on the axle spindle? I might just replace the bearings while I have everything else apart.

Thanks Tim

blazerbrad 05-07-2015 08:07 AM

If I'm interpreting the question correctly, the inner race on the bearing should not spin on the spindle. That is metal-on-metal contact and there should be obvious damage on the spindle (grooves worn into it).

timido 05-08-2015 10:35 AM

There was no damage on the spindle. I am going to replace the bearings and set the preload correct. Thanks for the help. The inner races were just not that snug on the spindle. I will check the new bearings tonight

JeffK5 05-08-2015 10:58 AM

Got a set of calipers or mics to give it a check?

I had a Dana70 that someone had done a masterful job of polishing out a slight spun race...it looked like it was fresh from the factory but had been sanded and shined undersized buy .004 or so.

timido 05-08-2015 11:11 AM

Will check

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