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truk 09-28-2015 11:05 AM

2015 jk lift ,
A buddy bought a 2015 jk sport, he what's to lift it and run 35s on it. Where's best please to get one at in the area.

WrenchMonkey 09-28-2015 03:26 PM

Pretty sure a JK will run 35s stock.

truk 09-28-2015 07:57 PM

Oh, he said he needed a 3 inch lift . lol mod bug must have bit him. Looking at rough country lift. Springs and shocks.

94Dodge Truggy 09-30-2015 11:04 AM

If the jeep will be wheeled then a lift of 2.5 to 3.5 would help out. Metalcloak gamechanger, Teraflex and Rockkrawler are a few good ones. 3.5" of lift will require driveshafts if the jeep will be offroaded as well. Drews offroad or offroad center may be a good place locally to purchase but not too sure about them just yet.

truk 09-30-2015 07:55 PM

ok thanks. ill check them out.

94Dodge Truggy 10-16-2015 09:23 AM

I would not recommend Highlift Offroad. Took my cash and received nothing. Waiting 106 days for a lift kit and driveshafts. Lied to countless times and filled with nothing but excuses. Business partner left and is now starting up another shop.

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