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Yson05Sr5 10-14-2015 09:41 PM

RR Gorge Trails & Fire Roads
As the title suggests, I'm interested in locating some easy trails I could hit solo in my very stock 07 4Runner this weekend. Just to get off the beaten path and see something new, and put the new rig to use. Does anyone have any suggestions for very easy off-roading in the red river gorge area? I was thinking fire roads might be an option also. If it's not a good idea, in fine with just hiking too.


donaldcon 10-15-2015 07:44 AM

I have some friends in that area and I asked them this same question earlier as I have a relatively stock suv I took on a road trip.

I was told most of the legal stuff requires more than what it would likely handle.

I remember years ago there were a few trails I could run in a stocker but it's been 10 years since I've been there.

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