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93 Krawler 02-20-2017 04:49 PM

GPS maps
If you want a killer gps map of the black mountain trails and many others, look at https://www.vvmapping.com/ I used it last weekend at Harlan and it was awesome. It was missing the short trail that runs the bottom on valve stem and grape vine. Probably because it's not atv friendly. The trail running at the top of them was there though. It was well worth $40.00. Plus, he sends you an sd card you can put in your gps so you don't even have to hook it to a pc if you don't want to.

Flint 02-24-2017 01:40 PM

What GPS do you use with topo? Looking for about a 5" screen, has custom mapping and is robust for trail use. I will also use it for road use. Any suggestions appreciated and hope not to hijack the thread.

93 Krawler 02-24-2017 04:14 PM

I use the nuvi 2797. Has a nice wide screen.

Flint 02-27-2017 10:15 PM

Thanks, I'll check it out tonight.

jeepmanjeff 03-02-2017 09:14 AM

I have to say the Rush off road map is a must...very good. I am going to get these as well.

Ky Mudhunter 03-02-2017 12:03 PM

I just ordered these. They look pretty good on the GPS. I will be trying out the Rush map next weekend and the Royal Blue maps at the end of march.

93 Krawler 03-02-2017 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Ky Mudhunter (Post 87718)
I just ordered these. They look pretty good on the GPS. I will be trying out the Rush map next weekend and the Royal Blue maps at the end of march.

The free gps map of Rush was pretty good. I got the free ones for Windrock, Brimstone, Royal Blue, and Wildcat. I'd say he combined all the free maps and filled in the rest by riding them. Harlan was the one I was missing. The maps are sweet!

Flint 03-03-2017 02:19 AM

I contacted Garmin about custom maps for the Garmin 2797 and Garmin said to contact the map supplier. I have to think that model will take custom maps from the way you all respond. Could someone please say YES / No it will load a custom map like Rush? Thanks, just need to know before I spend almost 300 for a Garmin.

Ky Mudhunter 03-03-2017 12:08 PM

Can't say if it will work on that unit. Mine are loaded onto a Nuvi 265 using the SD so I didn't have to hook up the computer to load the maps. Does it have a slot for an SD card? If has the slot I would guess that they will work./

93 Krawler 03-03-2017 11:05 PM

I use the 2797 and have lots of maps installed. Most of the maps are made for garmins. I installed garmins free map software to update my unit and load custom maps. The 2797 leaves tracks and has killer traffic detours if there is an issue on the highway. Get a good solid mount for your rig. It's heavy and falls off the stock mount.

Flint 03-06-2017 05:21 PM

Thanks Krawler, that seems like a great course of action. I like the unit and it is right priced. If I can load the free map s/w and custom maps it almost seals the deal.

Thanks for the mount feedback. If the mount can't handle the shaking I'll make a more robust mount.

Two years ago I was at Rush to help check the trail map. The custom map was up to 160 trails and we were on every one of them. I haven't been to Rush since Oct, 2 years ago so I will be amazed at the possible number of trails.

It will be a lonely ride as the only jeep among all those razors at Rush.

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