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-   -   Weld on beadlocks, cheap. (https://www.cincyoffroad.com/forumOLDVB3/showthread.php?t=12001)

WrenchMonkey 08-16-2017 05:01 PM

Weld on beadlocks, cheap.
Guy on craigslist has them for $125 a set, but he's all the way up in Troy.

Can anybody local get even close to that price, and save me a three hour drive?


WrenchMonkey 08-23-2017 03:52 PM

I ended up ordering a set from this guy:


Basic 15" rings are $145. My 16s were $160.
$55 for hardware and $20 for powdercoat put me at $235 total.

Shipping was harsh, $55. I really wish I'd planned better, we were just at Haspin last week, and the guy is only 20 minutes from there. I could have picked them up.

Will update once they've been received and installed.

WrenchMonkey 08-25-2017 08:13 PM

Well, don't order them if you're in a hurry.

I talked to him Sunday, and told him what I wanted.
He didn't get me an invoice til Tuesday night.
Now it's Friday night and they're still waiting for powdercoat.

Doesn't look like there's any way I'll have them before Rush.

underpowered 08-29-2017 10:00 PM

member on here, username: Nuts, Adam Ford at least used to make them. I have bought a few sets from him. He was from up around Middletown for about the same prices as the CL ad you posted.

93 Krawler 08-30-2017 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by WrenchMonkey (Post 88460)
Well, don't order them if you're in a hurry.

I talked to him Sunday, and told him what I wanted.
He didn't get me an invoice til Tuesday night.
Now it's Friday night and they're still waiting for powdercoat.

Doesn't look like there's any way I'll have them before Rush.

Powder coating bead locks is a waste. First trip and they look like ass. You end up using spray paint anyway.

WrenchMonkey 08-30-2017 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by 93 Krawler (Post 88467)
Powder coating bead locks is a waste. First trip and they look like ass. You end up using spray paint anyway.

Yeah, I'm sure. But it was only $20, and he implied that they'd be done same-day. I figured it would cost me almost that much money, plus a couple hours, to rattle can them.

In retrospect, I really should have taken them raw. I could have painted the outers while the welder did the inners, and I'd be ready to go for Rush...

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