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WrenchMonkey 10-25-2017 09:37 PM

Winter Rush?
It was mentioned but not thoroughly discussed. Was anyone serious about it?

A Friday-Saturday would work better for me, if I can at all. I've been missing a lot of weekends at home lately...

Runoveru2 10-26-2017 06:47 AM

Rig still outa commission....what's the date ? I would have to look for possible open seats. I do work alot of days on the weekends though in November so chances would be slim.

93 Krawler 10-26-2017 07:49 AM

I only have 2 days of vacation left so I would probably come out Friday evening through Sunday

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beer_goggles_009 10-26-2017 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by 93 Krawler (Post 88668)
I only have 2 days of vacation left so I would probably come out Friday evening through Sunday

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I'm interested. I'll check calendars tonight and suggest a date

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Smiddy24 10-26-2017 06:21 PM

I'm sure we would be in, just depends on the dates. I would have to request off, but shouldn't be an issue with that. Shoot maybe we can get Tom's jeep out with us.

beer_goggles_009 10-26-2017 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by beer_goggles_009 (Post 88670)
I'm interested. I'll check calendars tonight and suggest a date

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How about the weekend of the 18 and 19th

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Runoveru2 10-30-2017 06:57 AM


Originally Posted by beer_goggles_009 (Post 88672)
How about the weekend of the 18 and 19th

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I'm definitely out for that weekend....Miss Wife's 40th surprise birthday party = turn up missing on milk carton.

93 Krawler 10-31-2017 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Runoveru2 (Post 88673)
I'm definitely out for that weekend....Miss Wife's 40th surprise birthday party = turn up missing on milk carton.


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Smiddy24 10-31-2017 03:28 PM

We are officially ruled out for this trip.

WrenchMonkey 10-31-2017 04:08 PM

Doesn't look good for me either...

DoWorkXJ 10-31-2017 08:48 PM

I'm planning on hitting Rush in January.

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93 Krawler 11-05-2017 09:40 PM

So like 3 people can go. That doesn't look like a trail clearing group. I probably shouldn't go. The wife wants to go to Gatlinburg on the 21st. :thinking:

Justin, when are you going in January?

93 Krawler 11-05-2017 09:42 PM

What about December 2nd weekend?

DoWorkXJ 11-05-2017 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by 93 Krawler (Post 88709)
So like 3 people can go. That doesn't look like a trail clearing group. I probably shouldn't go. The wife wants to go to Gatlinburg on the 21st. :thinking:

Justin, when are you going in January?

I'm still trying to decide. Going to see when Jim is available too.

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beer_goggles_009 11-06-2017 03:07 PM

Looks like Nov 18-19th does not work. Lets try to find some dates in January that are better.


WrenchMonkey 11-06-2017 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by 93 Krawler (Post 88710)
What about December 2nd weekend?

That might fly...

93 Krawler 11-06-2017 04:21 PM

The first weekend in December would work much better for me since my wife changed her mind and now we are leaving on the 17th

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beer_goggles_009 11-06-2017 05:34 PM

I can't make any weekends in December.

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WrenchMonkey 11-06-2017 06:16 PM

If it's gonna be January, we should decide quick so we can reschedule the Hanover Run as, I dunno, the St Nick Trip or something...

(edit, I guess that's right on top of the Christmas party... I dunno.)

DoWorkXJ 11-06-2017 07:14 PM

How about the weekend of Jan 13-14th?

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beer_goggles_009 11-06-2017 07:24 PM

I suggest leaving the hangover run as is. Perhaps we schedule an additional outing to rush

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WrenchMonkey 11-06-2017 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by beer_goggles_009 (Post 88718)
I suggest leaving the hangover run as is. Perhaps we schedule an additional outing to rush

That makes more sense. I just don't know if I can swing two trips in thirteen days...

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