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-   -   7/20 at Rich's, 7/21 Vinton County? (https://www.cincyoffroad.com/forumOLDVB3/showthread.php?t=12270)

WrenchMonkey 07-11-2019 06:12 PM

7/20 at Rich's, 7/21 Vinton County?
We talked at the meeting about trying to do our Club Cookout at Rich's farm on Saturday the 20th, and maybe a daytrip out to Vinton Country on Sunday the 21st.

Rich's would be Members (and their guests) only, Sunday would be open invitation.

Who would be interested in either or both?

Runoveru2 07-11-2019 10:46 PM

I can fo 7/20 at Rich's place,
However I will only be able to consume food and drinks,
no trail riding or clearing from me this time.

blazerbrad 07-12-2019 08:06 AM

Assuming you are talking about Vinton County Ohio that is East of Chillicothe?
What trails in that area are you talking about? Around Tar Hollow State Park or maybe East of McArthur? I've ran down there for 20 years but most the good/challenging stuff (based on built rigs) is either closed or was bulldozed. Any "legal" trails open are technically township roads and you have to run on paved roads some, so best to be street legal. Mild rigs can have some fun but you really need to know your way around as nothing is marked.

If I'm thinking of the completely wrong area let me know......

WrenchMonkey 07-12-2019 03:34 PM

Yes, I think that's it. Kenny Campbell was talking about it at the meeting, and I have a friend out that way that might be able to show us around.

But yeah, it might be a little far for a daytrip, and not exciting enough to make it worthwhile.

93 Krawler 07-15-2019 07:50 AM

No more trips for me till my rig is done.

Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

blazerbrad 07-15-2019 08:18 AM

Mild to moderate rigs can have a lot of fun down there if you know where to go. The trails are composed of several "unmaintained" township roads scattered around the area. For the roads around Tar Hollow State Park (you don't run on any actual state land) there is a parking lot off a gravel road you can park in and you drive on paved roads for a short distance, than jump on one of these "trails" that may be a mile or so long, then run down more paved roads to the next "trail", and so on. These trails/roads are on a normal county road map, but it doesn't tell you which ones are paved, gravel, or actually resemble an off-road trail. The main reason I mention the above is that this type of trailride is completely different than what the CORE club typically does.....this is not an off-road park by any means and you don't go run a few obstacles and then run back to the parking lot and eat lunch. You also need to be careful where you go because it can be hard to tell which "trail" is a legal township road to be on and which one is an illegal offshoot running on private property. I will also say that the big tire buggy crowd would be completely bored.

My other club will be hosting their annual fall novice ride around Tar Hollow on August 10. Always a good time for the milder rigs and anybody that just wants to get out in the woods for the day. This would be a good opportunity for people to check the area out. They just ask for people to pre-register....pretty informal event but they just like having an estimate of how many people will be there.

jeepmanjeff 07-15-2019 11:51 AM

Will be in South Dakota that weekend

WrenchMonkey 07-16-2019 06:55 PM

Okay, looks like these two are pretty much a bust. Just as well, it's looking like upper 90s and muggy...

So, Hollerwood next? August 2-3-4?

Big Iron 07-17-2019 02:06 PM

7/20 at Rich's
We think that is best. They are predicting an extreme heat emergency for Saturday and Sunday.

Smiddy24 07-18-2019 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by WrenchMonkey (Post 90854)
Okay, looks like these two are pretty much a bust. Just as well, it's looking like upper 90s and muggy...

So, Hollerwood next? August 2-3-4?

I would be open to going there because it's slade and you dont need to have a vehicle registered. Would be nice to push it back one week though.

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