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cincychris 01-08-2008 05:56 PM

I have a 91 xj, That i put a ford d44 up front with radius arms and a 6.5" lift. I was just wonering what you guys would do for steering on it. Upgrade the steering box to a bigger one and link it with 1.5" dom with heims? It is not high steer. Just looking for options or any suggestions. The heep is only a woods beater. Thanks.

jeepmanjeff 01-08-2008 09:32 PM

What size tires will you be running?

Did you change the caster of the axle?

MrShoeBoy 01-08-2008 11:37 PM

Try and at the very least do hi steer on the passenger knuckle so the angle on the drag link isnt so bad. With a steep trackbar/drag link it will handle like crap and will put excessive wear on the steering joints. I had TREs and around 5.5" of lift on my XJ with the tie rod over the knuckle in the factory position and I would wear out the TREs in about 8 months of DD and wheeling once every 3 weeks. If at all possible, spend the cash now and do it right cause it will cost you in the long run. Ask me how I know ;)


JET455 01-08-2008 11:59 PM

Definitely go with a highsteer set up it will make a big differnce. The XJ steering box should work just fine and can be tapped for hydro assist in the future.

Contact Gunrunner here on the board he can take care of you on knuckles and high steer arms.

cincychris 01-09-2008 06:53 PM

Thanks everybody for the info and jeepmanjeff im running 39.5 cut boggers. :D

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