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94Dodge Truggy 04-29-2008 10:18 AM

Good cordless impact?
Who makes a good cordless impact wrench with lots of torque? Snap on has one that is tough but does anyone else know of a brand or what is best?

carwash 04-29-2008 12:41 PM

i love my snap on, but i have heard good things about the top Dewalt one.

94Dodge Truggy 04-29-2008 12:52 PM

Is the big dewalt one a 18 volt? Know the model #? (DW059) I saw a hitachi with iridium batteries that looked good but have no idea really.

itbrokeagain 04-29-2008 03:20 PM

I love my Dewalt. Mine is the good 18v one. Best tool ever.
300 Ft/lb

carwash 04-29-2008 03:24 PM

i wouldnt give up my snap on for 2 dewalts tho.

itbrokeagain 04-29-2008 03:50 PM

I challenge your Crap-on vs.my Dewalt.

carwash 04-29-2008 04:21 PM

challenge accepted... i will eat your Dewont alive.

itbrokeagain 04-29-2008 05:02 PM

Yea whatever more like Dewill..........

muddinredneck513 04-29-2008 05:50 PM

cant we all just get along :p

carwash 04-29-2008 06:11 PM

no, more like DeCant...

how do we do this challenge?

itbrokeagain 04-29-2008 06:30 PM

I was thinking the same thing myself. I think we just call me the winner and get it over with. No stressing over how to compete necessary.:p
What kind of numbers does that thing put out anyway?

carwash 04-29-2008 07:40 PM

1000 million ft/lbs of torque.

i win.

crazi429 04-29-2008 08:03 PM

I love my snap on also I have both a 1/2 and 3/8 and they kick ass
1/2 = 400 ft/lbs of torque. 620 break away torque what ever that is

3/8 = 235 ft/lbs of torque.

itbrokeagain 04-29-2008 08:56 PM

Mine has mud on it from the last trail run so I win.

JET455 04-29-2008 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by itbrokeagain (Post 14384)
Mine has mud on it from the last trail run so I win.


carwash 04-29-2008 11:53 PM

mine is so powerful that when i hit it full trigger, it creates a small black hole, and sucks less powerful things into it, thus giving it even more power.

carwash 04-29-2008 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by itbrokeagain (Post 14384)
Mine has mud on it from the last trail run so I win.

only cuz your rig is always broken down on the trail... you should brag that it's clean, not muddy.

you lose.

Coby 04-30-2008 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by carwash (Post 14393)
mine is so powerful that when i hit it full trigger, it creates a small black hole, and sucks less powerful things into it, thus giving it even more power.

I've seen it happen...LOL

krawlin85toy 04-30-2008 10:48 AM

I have the snap-on also. kicks ass, newest verson of many has the slide in 18v.powerful would'nt trade 4 another brand either.:D :D

carwash 04-30-2008 10:54 AM

sorry Tony, it's apparent, you have lost. You owe me $10.

GPER 04-30-2008 08:33 PM

A York oba and an IR impact is the only way to go:D

carwash 04-30-2008 08:55 PM

i despise OBA. any air system that requires my rig be running to use it is a waste. you don't think so? just wait...

itbrokeagain 04-30-2008 09:16 PM

OBA is nice when you need it.

Yea you are a black hole and suck everything around you..........

daveH 05-01-2008 05:15 PM

18V dewalt impact $125 (Not mine)


cj360v8 05-10-2008 12:22 AM

Matco Tools FTW

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