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SixFtUnd 11-24-2008 06:45 PM

Tire Advise
I want a set of 33 for the bronco have 31s on it now
Thinking about settling for these 32S


just wand some opinions


Nuts 11-24-2008 07:46 PM

The difference between 31s,32s,and 33s isn't much. I don't know what you're running now but I'd just stay with those and save up for something that'll make a difference, like 35s or bigger.

carwash 11-25-2008 12:30 AM

the tire on the far left looks wasted, not any tread at all.

i also agree with what snuts has to say.

SixFtUnd 11-25-2008 07:32 AM

so skip the 33s and go for 35s i'm just not sure if I can get 35s on my truck
well if anyone has some 35s let me know what you have and how much

blazerbrad 11-25-2008 09:10 AM

The 32's you listed are wasted, one is completely gone and I don't think any of the others have more than 10-15% tread, and there is no way I would pay $150 for them. If you only have $150, keep saving it up and keep an eye out. For twice the money you can get 5 times the tires.

33's are noticably larger than 31's, plus they would be much easier to install on your Bronco with minimal mods than 35's......though if you found a really good deal on a decent set of 35's I would get them.

bc35339 11-25-2008 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Snuts (Post 19662)
The difference between 31s,32s,and 33s isn't much. I don't know what you're running now but I'd just stay with those and save up for something that'll make a difference, like 35s or bigger.

X's 3

KargoMaster 11-25-2008 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by blazerbrad (Post 19678)
33's are noticably larger than 31's, plus they would be much easier to install on your Bronco with minimal mods than 35's......though if you found a really good deal on a decent set of 35's I would get them.

I like this thinking... You were stuffing the 31's on the RTI ramp... 33's would be noticeable but manageable... I can't image you'll get 35's shoved in there without major trimming/BFH work.

x12 on those tires aren't worth $150

Flxratd 11-25-2008 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by KargoMaster (Post 19688)
I like this thinking... You were stuffing the 31's on the RTI ramp... 33's would be noticeable but manageable... I can't image you'll get 35's shoved in there without major trimming/BFH work.

x12 on those tires aren't worth $150

in dannys defence there has been some trimming done on the bronco since the benefit. the wheelwells/fenders are cut out about 3" all the way around. the biggest problem i see at this point would be gearing and part carnage. not a big fan of the ttb front ends so my opinion would be stop at 33s untill you have excess cash to start the repairs. and i have thrown away better tires than whats in that add.:)

SixFtUnd 11-25-2008 06:19 PM

ok thanks guys
Scott I think i'll take your advise and keep looking for 33s

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