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8UP 03-15-2009 09:47 AM

Attica Motels?
It's been years since I stayed in Attica and I can't remember the name of the Motel where I stayed. I think it's located on the eastern end of town and is around ten years old or so. Any help? Thanks.

wilson1010 03-15-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by 8UP (Post 22463)
It's been years since I stayed in Attica and I can't remember the name of the Motel where I stayed. I think it's located on the eastern end of town and is around ten years old or so. Any help? Thanks.

The Attica Inn is on the eastern part of town, down SR 28 to the East. Its like a bad college dorm, but is set up for tow rigs and seems clean enough.

Many of us have stayed in the Hotel Attica in downtown which has charm, but is a ramshackle fire trap. It does have a good restaurant and also has tow rig parking.

8UP 03-16-2009 03:20 PM

Yup ,the Attica Inn, thanks. Last time I was there it was almost new, nothing special just your typical Motel.Good enough for me. All I need is a bed, shower and a place to park the truck and trailer, which I believe we used to do at the South end of the lot.
BTW, does the old Hotel in town have a place to park tow rigs?

wilson1010 03-16-2009 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by 8UP (Post 22503)
Yup ,the Attica Inn, thanks. Last time I was there it was almost new, nothing special just your typical Motel.Good enough for me. All I need is a bed, shower and a place to park the truck and trailer, which I believe we used to do at the South end of the lot.
BTW, does the old Hotel in town have a place to park tow rigs?

Yea, they have a lot across the street. Plenty big enough for any tow rig.

SWOhioJeepDude 03-16-2009 08:58 PM

avoid parking your rig on the trailer under the high power lines. we did that one year and was checking the jeep. there was a strange vibration coming from the jeep. after moving the jeep from under the lines that stop. can't imagine that is good for the electronics.

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