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her94yj 04-22-2009 04:55 PM

powerline park???????
has anyone been to the, powerline park in st clairsville??? for M-day wifey and i are try'n to firgure out go watch people destroy their junk at haspin or go check this place out. not sure but i think this might be closer to us in the lima area

GPER 04-22-2009 05:41 PM


jugbutt 04-22-2009 05:55 PM

I've been to Haspin and that place looks alot better.

mckeddie 04-22-2009 08:48 PM

where is it?

fabricator 04-22-2009 10:34 PM


Conveniently located at Exit 213 on I-70
in St. Clairsville, Ohio

her94yj 04-22-2009 10:57 PM

thanx gper thats how i came across it was the site link on the website for NTW never been there or even knew it opened and i have been to wellsville afew times

Muddy 1 04-23-2009 07:43 AM

The website was pretty vague, are they only open on the three weekends listed?

blazerbrad 04-23-2009 08:30 AM

Several guys I know live out that way and none have been impressed with the Powerline Park unless you are really into mud-bogging and have big tractor tires.

For reference, exit 100 on I-70 is right in the middle of Columbus and this place is exit 213. Going to guess it would be 3ish-hours from Lima.

A couple discussions about the place on the Ohio 4x4 board:

her94yj 04-23-2009 05:04 PM

yeah after looking at it better and the map and how close it is to wellsville i was like hmmmmmmmmm maybe not lol
i am use to making the drive to wellsville from columbus not lima... how longs it take you to get to haspin from van wert????

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