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itbrokeagain 01-12-2010 11:41 PM

Homemade coil spacers
I know lots of machine shop guys. Can i have someone make me some 2 inch steel or aluminum coil spacers? Will they work properly?

hotrod 01-13-2010 08:11 AM

i dont see why it wouldnt work. :confused:

GPER 01-13-2010 08:27 AM

I thought they were made from poly, something that flexes.

jfiscus 01-13-2010 09:01 AM

if they are solid they would need welded in so they dont bounce around. the poly spacers are about $40 new & you can also find them used, even on CL. I dont know any fab shops that would touch anything for that amount.

humpy 01-13-2010 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by jfiscus (Post 32799)
if they are solid they would need welded in so they dont bounce around. the poly spacers are about $40 new & you can also find them used, even on CL. I dont know any fab shops that would touch anything for that amount.

X2...i own a machine shop and wont sell you the material for $40 let alone make em and provide matl... however i can make them if you wanna pay lol :beers:

RuffedUpXJ 01-13-2010 09:33 AM

TOny, I know it won't be liked by every one but I know you have some **** pipe around and you could take 2" pipe and some 3" pipe and cut them about 2" tall and the take some 1/4" or some flat plate and weld it together like a sandwich.

I m not saying its a good idea or safe but you have those materials around.

On a side not I still have that exhaust pipe that you welded out of some more **** pipe.

MrShoeBoy 01-15-2010 08:24 PM

Its not worth the time and effort to make them when you can buy them for cheap. And I am not saying that just cause I have a real pair in my basement ;) PM me if interested.


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