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tjjeepjeep 08-20-2010 04:39 PM

Volunteers needed for Benefit 8/28
Hey everyone. We are needing some volunteers to help the day of the event, Sat 8/28. Here's the list of who is where and when as it stands now. If you can help post up and I'll edit the list to add your name. If you lurk and want to help, email me at lisa92068(at)aol.com. If you're not a paid member and want to help out, we'd love to have you. This is for a great cause and we're better together. So the more the merrier...:D

We need multiple people to help in the registration booth til 11:30 as well as to fill in open slots.
Registration Booth: Overseen by Mike Grubbi
9:30-10:00 Kris Vaught / ??
10:00-10:30 Kris Vaught / ??
10:30-11:00 Brett Dorow / ??
11:00-11:30 Brett Dorow / ??
11:30-12:00 Danny Beach
12:00-12:30 Brody Jacobs
12:30- 1:00
1:00- 1:30 Corey Kessel
1:30- 2:00 Corey Kessel

Handout schedule direct trailers and parking if paying for event or not
Parking Lot:
9:30-10:00 Danny Beach
10:00-10:30 Danny Beach
11:30-12:00 Brett Dorow
12:00-12:30 Brett Dorow
12:30- 1:00
1:00- 1:30
1:30- 2:00

Multiple people to help here as well as open slots. Selling raffle tickets, Tshirts, drinks..
Raffle Booth: Overseen by Bob & Marilyn Heath
9:30 10:00
10:30-11:00 Kristen Sanders / ??
11:00-11:30 Kristen Sanders / ??
11:30-12:00 Kris Vaught / ??
12:00-12:30 Krist Vaught / ??
12:30- 1:00 Brett Dorow / ??
1:00- 1:30 Becky Harpe / ??
1:30- 2:00 Becky Harpe / ??
2:00- 2:30 George Greve / ??
2:30- 3:00 Brody Jacobs / ??

SixFtUnd 08-20-2010 05:12 PM

I'll take registration booth 11:30 - 12:00

I'll take more as needed and I'll try to get beth to sign up for some spots she will probably just want to just help with Tshirt and water sale

cincygman 08-20-2010 05:58 PM

Trying to go to DC for a rally, sorry

TomH 08-20-2010 08:02 PM

I can give you an hour or two on Saturday afternoon. (Assuming no skills required.)

tjjeepjeep 08-21-2010 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by SixFtUnd (Post 40886)
I'll take registration booth 11:30 - 12:00

I'll take more as needed and I'll try to get beth to sign up for some spots she will probably just want to just help with Tshirt and water sale

I was thinking Beth spent most of the time helping there. That would be great.

tjjeepjeep 08-21-2010 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by TomH (Post 40892)
I can give you an hour or two on Saturday afternoon. (Assuming no skills required.)

Nope...Appreciate the help..

KennyTJ 08-22-2010 05:21 PM

I'm in for any help you need. Just let me know when and where!


began 08-22-2010 08:59 PM

lisa ill bring my good camera and take a ton of pics. Im not sure when ill get out there but me and mandi will help out anywhere we can....yea marching season..ben taking all my free time. Sorry i havent contacted you sooner.

tjjeepjeep 08-22-2010 09:42 PM

Tom/Kenny - I'm sure we can find something for you to do when you get there. No worries.

Brian -- I really need people to take pics of anything and everything then dump a CD of everything they took, versus just what they have time to upload to photobucket. Allows me the opp to crop pics, if there's a shot I can use. So pics would be great. People, rigs, anything and everything there.

So any other photogs out there, let me know and I'll get you a CD/case...

TomH 08-22-2010 10:12 PM


Originally Posted by tjjeepjeep (Post 40924)
Tom/Kenny - I'm sure we can find something for you to do when you get there. No worries.

I'll come looking for you when I get in.

began 08-23-2010 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by TomH (Post 40925)
I'll come looking for you when I get in.

ill take as many as i can and get you CD's

gothodgie 08-23-2010 06:17 PM

I will be up sometime mid morning and will be bring my camera...
I'll find you when i get there to see if you need any more bodys to help with anything.


tjjeepjeep 08-24-2010 08:20 AM

That would be great..Thanks so much!!

biggin69 08-24-2010 06:10 PM

I will help with whatever you wish.

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