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itbrokeagain 10-03-2010 11:22 PM

Exhaust work.
Everytime I drive my Jeep I end up smelling exhausty. I am also tired of the crappy cherry bombs. I am looking for a place I can get a good price on some converters and flowmasters. Midas did my old truck with duals from the maniolds out with converters and flowmasters for $500 last year. Now they want $1200. Soooooo anyone know of anyone?

gothodgie 10-04-2010 02:28 AM

have you thought about buying a universal kit from Summit(or similar source) and building it your self? anytime i have needed exhaust i have done it this way. I know it sounds like a pain in the butt, but i think it is worth the hassle for the savings... Not always pretty but worth the savings... Ohh yea, i am cheap like that too.. :D

It's amazing what shops want for exhaust work these days...

KennyTJ 10-04-2010 09:14 AM

Muffler Brothers in Lebanon does good work, very reasonable prices!

may be a long haul up here for you though.

MULISHA JP 10-04-2010 09:31 AM

Big Als in Springboro does very good work. They just did my tow rig and it was cheap and sounds great! Also look into the welded Thrush muffler. Looks and sounds like a Flow Master but half the price! I got a Dual in to 3'' out from Smyth in Springboro for 34 bucks.

sarge 10-04-2010 06:17 PM

Tony don't by Flowmasters.... way too $$$$ . Advance carries Thrush " welded" mufflers on the shelf . look just like a FM but only cost $39.99. I think they sound better IMHO....

tinbeater 10-04-2010 10:11 PM

Tony Gary Reeds shop (southside) does very good work at a fair price. He is on the right before you get into bethel on 125.

KennyTJ 10-04-2010 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by sarge (Post 42390)
Tony don't by Flowmasters.... way too $$$$ . Advance carries Thrush " welded" mufflers on the shelf . look just like a FM but only cost $39.99. I think they sound better IMHO....

I have a "welded" Thrush on the Dakota and it is great, sounds good, rumble but not too loud!

Big_O_XJ 10-04-2010 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by sarge (Post 42390)
Tony don't by Flowmasters.... way too $$$$ . Advance carries Thrush " welded" mufflers on the shelf . look just like a FM but only cost $39.99. I think they sound better IMHO....


Originally Posted by KennyTJ (Post 42401)
I have a "welded" Thrush on the Dakota and it is great, sounds good, rumble but not too loud!

I have the same muffler. It was cheap so I thought I would give it a shot and if it sucked I would not be out much, but I love it. It does all the stuff the other mufflers I have owned at less than half the price.

itbrokeagain 10-05-2010 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by tinbeater (Post 42399)
Tony Gary Reeds shop (southside) does very good work at a fair price. He is on the right before you get into bethel on 125.

Got a phone number by chance or know his hours?

tinbeater 10-06-2010 09:35 PM


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