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BigRed 10-24-2010 11:31 PM

Help electrical nightmare
Is anyone out there knowledgeable about CJ 7 80 to 83 wiring harness? I'm having a heck of a time getting it to work. I have spend the last several weekends working on this with my 81 CJ with not much luck. I'm really hoping to get this rig on the road soon and this is one of my last big barriers.

94Dodge Truggy 10-25-2010 09:45 AM

got any wiring drawings of it? Chiltons or haynes books? Is the jeep completely stock still?

BigRed 10-25-2010 10:06 AM

No it's not totally stock. I have torn this jeep apart before but never had this kind of trouble. I'm not great with electrical so I was hoping that someone with better knowledge could help out. It has a 258ci AMC for an engine. The tub is fiberglass and it has a ground wire kit on it. I do have electrical diagrams and used them to set the wiring harness up. My weakness comes down to how to check it. I'm not real good with a volt meter and somewhere I'm missing a connection or something.

jwend 10-25-2010 11:15 AM

What are your issues, give us some ideas of what its doing (not doing) sure someone can help.

BigRed 10-25-2010 11:29 AM

Well that's the problem. It's not doing much of anything. After I put it together, I tried turning the engine over to see if there was any juice getting to the starter. Nothing there. Here's something strange. I tried bypassing the solenoid and nothing happened. I thought that was weird. The battery and starter are new. The battery is grounded and so is the starter. Any idea why that is?

94Dodge Truggy 10-25-2010 11:34 AM

battery grounded well to frame and motor? Starter solenoid's wire hot (have power) from itself to battery?

BigRed 10-25-2010 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by 94Dodge Truggy (Post 43088)
battery grounded well to frame and motor? Starter solenoid's wire hot (have power) from itself to battery?

battery is ground to motor and frame. starter solenoid wire is hot. yes

BigRed 10-25-2010 11:38 AM

here's something else. Sometimes but not every time the wire from the solenoid to the alternator will get hot and start smoking when the key is turned on. Why is that?

BigRed 10-25-2010 11:48 AM

Well, I have to get ready for work. Keep asking questions and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities. Hopefully there's a good answer for all this. If anyone wants to come over sometime and look at this, let me know and give you directions to my house. (I'll provide the liquid refreshment of your choice) Weekends can be kind of fun around here. We all have drinking problems: we're always running out of beer, that's our problem!

itbrokeagain 10-25-2010 11:58 AM

I will have to do some searching but a few years ago I had a Cj wiring harness.If I find it it is yours.

superjeep 10-25-2010 04:57 PM

You have a wire (red 10ga) going from back of altinator to the inside of the cab to fuse box. This also goes to the siloniod. They all should be 12volts .
The ground for the siloniod is the body that it mounts to(inner fender well). Another wire comes from the steering column to the siloniod to open the contactor to start the motor. You should not have 12volts+ starter side of siloniod. With the battery not hooked up put the volt meter on continuity or Ohms and see if there is any fuse or wire going to ground. Also make sure all your negetive wires are going to ground (frame/motor)

There is also a fuse block in the wiring it is a black cylinder looking thing if it is blown you will never get 12 volts+ untill you cut it out and replace it with a water proof fuse.This is on the Red 10 ga wire going from the altinator to the inside of cab.

Also check the voltmeter in the dash and make sure it is hooked up . your 12volts+ runs through it.


TomH 10-25-2010 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by BigRed (Post 43091)
Well, I have to get ready for work. Keep asking questions and I'll answer them to the best of my abilities. Hopefully there's a good answer for all this. If anyone wants to come over sometime and look at this, let me know and give you directions to my house. (I'll provide the liquid refreshment of your choice) Weekends can be kind of fun around here. We all have drinking problems: we're always running out of beer, that's our problem!

Where are you?

BigRed 10-25-2010 09:07 PM

I live in Cheviot not far from the Harvest Home Park. It's off of North Bend Rd. The street I live on is called Phoenix Avenue. If you go down it, look for my nieghbor passed out on the front lawn. I'm the house next to it. [i'm just kidding, we dont really drink that much] Are you interested in looking at it? [the jeep, not the nieghbor]

BigRed 10-25-2010 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by superjeep (Post 43096)
You have a wire (red 10ga) going from back of altinator to the inside of the cab to fuse box. This also goes to the siloniod. They all should be 12volts .
The ground for the siloniod is the body that it mounts to(inner fender well). Another wire comes from the steering column to the siloniod to open the contactor to start the motor. You should not have 12volts+ starter side of siloniod. With the battery not hooked up put the volt meter on continuity or Ohms and see if there is any fuse or wire going to ground. Also make sure all your negetive wires are going to ground (frame/motor)

There is also a fuse block in the wiring it is a black cylinder looking thing if it is blown you will never get 12 volts+ untill you cut it out and replace it with a water proof fuse.This is on the Red 10 ga wire going from the altinator to the inside of cab.

Also check the voltmeter in the dash and make sure it is hooked up . your 12volts+ runs through it.


Thanks for the tip. I'll try that. I'm not that great with a voltmeter, but at this point, I'll try anything.

superjeep 10-25-2010 11:15 PM

There is also the Ignition switch that is at the base of the steering column. Power only comes into it untill the key is Rotated then it powers up the ignition part of the fuse panel.

I would start at the battery and follow the power. Without being there it is hard to trouble shoot.

good luck and keep us posted


BigRed 10-26-2010 09:35 AM

I will definitely keep you guys posted and thanks for all the help.

BigRed 11-01-2010 10:33 PM

For those who have been helping me out. Update: it looks like I've been making some head way. Not finished but closer to it. Thanks again for the help.

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