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yellowjacket 01-15-2011 10:30 AM

Post pics from an android phone?
Got a android fonethat does more than I know what to do with. Just figured out what an app is if that gives u an indication...
my question is can I upload pics from phoe to this site directly, or do I still need to upload to like photo bucket then looad from there. Neverdone that either so im hoping to skip that middle step. can this be done, and if so, can someone walk me thru it? Thanx guys.

oklahomawelder 01-15-2011 10:40 AM

I dont know about the phone, but POST UP SOME PICS OF THAT BUGGY......:)

tjjeepjeep 01-15-2011 10:55 AM

No clue, I'm checking on some forums. I'm gonna get a new phone in the next couple months so I'll be curious the answer too.

yellowjacket 01-15-2011 11:00 AM

Would love to, im just a tech moron...someone here would know im sure. I have no internet at home now. I like your pics brannon.

oklahomawelder 01-15-2011 11:12 AM

Send them to me and I will post them up for you. Text or email.....

race10 01-15-2011 11:33 AM

I'm trying to figure out how to. If I do I will let you know how. I uploaded my avatar from my Droid but not sure how to do the other

jwend 01-15-2011 12:02 PM

you should be able to post directly to this site.. everything i have posted on here for the last 3 months has just about all been from my phone

yellowjacket 01-15-2011 12:54 PM

You show me how? The manage attatchments part gives me the option of uploading url, or browse from computer. I click om that and it dosent let me go farther. Im missin something basic maybe?

srussell 01-15-2011 06:51 PM

It says my uploads are disabled?
Now for some reason it won't let me post from my computer because it's. Not logging me out from my phone even though it says I logged out???

Okay back on my computer now??
I hate trying to do this stuff from my phone LOL

donaldcon 01-15-2011 07:20 PM

I dont have any issues using my droid. Posted from it earlier, now im on my desk top with no issues.

GPER 01-15-2011 07:29 PM

Find some teen age girls they know all about all phones.

yellowjacket 01-15-2011 10:28 PM

Ok ill go to the mall tomrow and be the creepy thirty year old trying to talk to the teens. Look for me on the news!
i just tryed again. At the manage attatchments it gives me the optio.n to upload from my computer. Like it does on my desktop. But I click on that because im viewing the phone as my computr in this case...? But it dosent take me anywhere, it just highlights, then back to normal.like I said, im not a comp guru, so im assuming im not doing something correct...

flatlander757 01-16-2011 02:39 AM

I just send all my phone pics straight to Photobucket(there is a Photobucket app if you don't have it yet), then in there you can get the links to copy and paste into the forum.

Do you know how to upload multiple photos at a time to Photobucket? If not, when you're in the gallery, hold your finger over one of the pictures for a second or two, then it will get a check mark on it, and you can check more pictures too in the same album, choose hit share > Photobucket.


These things have a steep learning curve when you first get them, but once you get used to it you'll wonder how the hell you lived without it!

Not to derail it, but check out the following apps(all free), good to have for car related stuff:
-Bubble(it's a programmable angle finder)
-Realcalculator(scientific calculator)
-Droidlight(uses the LED flash on the phone as a flashlight)
-AK Notepad(generic notepad... great for writing notes for various stuff down)
-Convertpad(conversions for ANY unit of measurement, it's awesome)
-aCar(keeps track of MPG and service records and cost vs time, etc... it's pretty handy)

Haddix505 01-16-2011 10:17 AM

Im having the same problem. I got the droid x and it wont let me post pictures

BiggDaddy 01-17-2011 08:46 PM

Thanks for the ideas on apps. Those should come in pretty handy. Just picked up a droid over the weekend.


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