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boomhauer 01-23-2011 12:50 PM

thanx: kargimaster, nick, redriverranger
long story short... 2000 ford excursion v-10 had a bad head. 221,xxx miles. instead of replacing heads for $2,000 i decided to put a whole new motor in that a buddy could get for me at cost from a dealership. started 7:30 am saturday and stopped at 6:00 pm. by 10:30 am sunday morning it was running again and i am home thankning them from the couch at 12:30. if not for them it would have been at least a week long job. THANK ALL OF YOU VERY MUCH!!! great to have good friends to help on stuff like that and a shop to do it in.

itbrokeagain 01-24-2011 11:20 PM

Were you blowing out spark plugs? I had a 99 v-10 that loved to do that. I ended up tapping the head out to accept a 13mm spark plug and machined a steel bushing with a bevel to seal and tapped on the inside to accept a stock plug and JB welded the bushing into the head. Spent a lot of time talking to JB weld engineers and the guaranteed me it would hold up to the heat and it did. Never had an issue. Had to do this to about 4 plugs.

94Dodge Truggy 01-25-2011 09:00 PM

Are the ford v-10's reliable?

itbrokeagain 01-25-2011 09:59 PM

I think so. I loved mine. Got decent mileage too. It would get me from my house to Chicago with some left to drive around.

Hope Springs Hauler 01-25-2011 10:10 PM

Our V-10's at work are more reliable than the manual transmissions behind them and they get BEAT hard. Time will only tell about the new 6.2 V-8's

boomhauer 01-26-2011 12:30 AM

had a problem a year or so ago. blew out 2 plugs and i tapped and put inserts in them then had the rest done by a friend who has an auto repair shop. he charged me less than i could buy the inserts for. for some strange reason #3 developed a dead miss about 3 weeks ago so i took it back to him and they tried for 2 days to get the plug out to no avail. would just spin and spin and move up and down about 3/16 of an inch. i decided head was bad since there wasn't enough material left to tap again if i could get the plug out. decided if i was going to r&r one head, might as well do both and then figured with 221,xxx miles that i would probably blow out the bottom end if i just did the top so i spent the extra 1,000 to 1,500 to do the whole motor.

i bought the truck from rusty bray and it was used for towing HEAVY loads it's whole life even before i bought it.

as far as being a good motor, i loved it after i got it up to 17.5 to 18 miles a gallon empty. towing the rig i would get 11 or 12. will have to wait and see about this new one. need to get it broken in and loosened up a bit to see if i get my mileage back but as of now i am back to about 15mpg.

good thing is, is that it is a 3 year unlimited mileage warranty and i tend to rack up the miles rather quickly on this vehichle so only time will tell. can say it does have plenty of horsepower and torque for a gasser. couldn't even tell the jeep and trailer were back there except on the biggest of hills.

all in all i have about $3,800 in the new one so i think it was worth it. just no room in there to work and you need to be about 8' tall to reach over the fenders to do any work on it.

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