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twiztedzuki 12-26-2011 09:44 AM

toyota adapter???
found a downey 700r4 to toyota tcase adapter for cheap, but i need it to go th350 to toyota. pretty sure they same spline and bolt pattern, does anybody know for sure this will interchange?

fabricator 12-26-2011 10:04 AM

I may no someone who would swap ya a350 adapter for the 700 adapter

twiztedzuki 12-26-2011 11:33 AM

let me kno, from i get downey adapter has different output shaft for tranny instead coupler!? or see if he sell his adapter outrite

pfreer3 12-26-2011 12:24 PM

if its originally an advanced adapters one I have the 700R4 spline in a box in my garage (supposedly converts the TH350 adapter) . I paid like $150 for it, but you can have it for like $20 bucks if it will work. I ordered it intending to go to a 700R4 but never ended up doing it.

After typing this up... feel pretty stupid. I have the same one you don't want ;)
call advanced adapters, they can tell you for sure. I'm pretty sure the length or the spline is different.

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