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bc35339 01-20-2012 07:11 PM

new parts
3 Attachment(s)
Got some new parts for the buggy and just thought Id show them off. Still waiting on the PSC 2.5x8 ram and large clevis kit

oklahomawelder 01-20-2012 11:00 PM

3 Attachment(s)
ARTEC is some NICE stuff....:thumbup:

JeffK5 01-21-2012 08:35 AM

It has always pained me to buy stuff that I can make but I went ahead and got the Artec 60 truss and couldn't be more happy. It is by far the best quality burn and form work I've ever bought.

carwash 01-21-2012 01:02 PM

I plan on doing some artec stuff on my new build as well.

nshefbuch 01-21-2012 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by carwash (Post 59847)
I plan on doing some artec stuff on my new build as well.

speaking of which, what is your next build? rear engine? dual tube frame? any updates on KOH or TTC???

mckeddie 01-21-2012 04:48 PM

I had an artec battery hold down and a couple of other pieces on my old jeep, their stuff is some of the nicest I've seen.

carwash 01-21-2012 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by nshefbuch (Post 59848)
speaking of which, what is your next build? rear engine? dual tube frame? any updates on KOH or TTC???

Nah, something simple, small light nimble, front engine, starting it next week. Been piling up parts...

Taking Fatgirl to TTC in June for champion's cup. No plans to run KOH again at this time... but who knows, my new rig might be a nice racer.

carwash 01-25-2012 04:00 PM

Last night, ordered my rear 14 bolt truss with pinion guard, and front 60 truss with ram mount, high steer arms, etc.... giddy up. Used the pirate4x4 discount, saved another 10% as well, very nice. Almost paid for the shipping.

bc35339 01-26-2012 03:13 PM

5 Attachment(s)
My PSC stuff came in today!
They were out of the cheaper 2.50 x 8 de ram so I got this one :D
The big clevis kit is huge!

Time to start puttin it together.

oklahomawelder 01-26-2012 05:17 PM


bc35339 11-05-2012 08:36 PM

5 Attachment(s)
Just put some new shocks , rear links and skins on my buggy. I took it out over the weekend for the first time and the shocks work great!!! way better then the air shocks that was on it. I highly recommend them. I only have them on the rear and it makes it very stable compaired to what I was use to.

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