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-   -   Deep run FREE day march 24 (https://www.cincyoffroad.com/forumOLDVB3/showthread.php?t=8528)

frankensteinxj 03-16-2012 04:44 AM

Deep run FREE day march 24
This is from the website.

We will be having a Maintenance Ride on Saturday March 24th, 2012. Admission that day will be FREE.If you would like to come out and lend a hand as well as enjoy a free day of riding, it would be greatly appreciated! We are trying to get ready for the season by clearing our trails of debris, as well as making sure the perimeter lines are up and not laying down. We will have staff on machinery clearing some areas of the trails. We appreciate everyone's business and look forward to another fun year

For those of you who havent been, It is a great local place to wheel. They made a bunch of new trails that pose quite a challenge and plenty of stuff for the lesser built as well as four wheelers and a dirt bike track.
Im trying to get the word out a little more because we cannot let a place this close and fun go out of business.
Im gonna try to show up on my raptor and my dad in his buggy, maybe a few others.

Heres a link to the website.


frankensteinxj 03-17-2012 06:12 PM

Good chance to check out the trails if you havent been.
Good chance to help out some local owners by lending a hand as well.

Coppertop 03-18-2012 11:17 AM

Wish I could join you...I'll be at the doctors with my wife most of the mourning.


frankensteinxj 03-18-2012 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Coppertop (Post 62450)
Wish I could join you...I'll be at the doctors with my wife most of the mourning.


Hope everything is alright.

Coppertop 03-19-2012 11:04 AM

My wife was riding in a car that was rear ended back in jan. Since ,she has been receiving treatment for her injuries.She is doing better.


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