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tjjeepjeep 04-26-2012 03:55 PM

Student Loans?
Anyone have any resources for student loans in default/pending litigation? Attorney names? Anything? Feel free to PM me, if better for both of us.

PS While not for me, I'd rather not go into many details on a public forum. Looking for some help; hoping someone has been through this or knows someone who has.

GPER 04-26-2012 04:33 PM

They garnished the daughter's wages for awhile. I have seen the things about the student loan forgiveness things, but no info from them. Please keep me informed if you find anything about them.

tjjeepjeep 04-26-2012 05:16 PM

Found something about filing chapter 13 bankrupty to restructure payments (won't be discharged) for 3-5 years. Could pave the way for an 'undue hardship' with that. So much info, who knows if it's real ... right.

GPER 04-26-2012 05:23 PM

That was why I never paid too much attention to the adds I saw, I figured they were just more scams.

tjjeepjeep 04-26-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by GPER (Post 63863)
That was why I never paid too much attention to the adds I saw, I figured they were just more scams.

I know, it's hard to filter through the garbage. Talking to an atty tomorrow to see myth v fact on a few things.

WrenchMonkey 04-26-2012 08:11 PM

Chris has been doing recovery and collections for more years than I'm allowed to tell you, a LOT of it student loans.

I'm sure she could give you some info from that end of it...


GPER 05-02-2012 09:05 AM

The wife listens to Coast to Coast:eek: there is an author Alan Collinge. He has a book and a web site and said even if you file bankruptcy, you still have to pay the student loan back. Maybe you can find out more on his web site and get the book at the library. Good luck.

tjjeepjeep 05-02-2012 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by GPER (Post 64067)
The wife listens to Coast to Coast:eek: there is an author Alan Collinge. He has a book and a web site and said even if you file bankruptcy, you still have to pay the student loan back. Maybe you can find out more on his web site and get the book at the library. Good luck.

Right, a bankrupcty will not discharge a debt, but a 13 will allow for a reorg/payment plan that is structured through the courts. thanks

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