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IOK Rock’s 3rd Annual Offroad Jamboree, July 6-8 Rock Crawl and Endurance Race
IOK Rock’s 3rd Annual Offroad Jamboree, July 6-8 Rock Crawl and Endurance Race
It is time for the 3rd annual IOK Rock Offroad Jamboree, July 6-8. We will be hosting a can food drive (non-perishiable food items only please) for the BLOC ministries. This is a local group helping families across the west side of Cincinnati, with everything from clothing to food to after school programs. In other news, we have changed up the venue for the jamboree to better accommodate the Endurance Race schedule. Don’t forget we have added additional classes to allow Side by Sides and 2WD rail buggies to compete. General Information: Gate Admission = Adults (12 and older) $12 (receive a $2 discount with a donation of 2 non-perishable food items) / Kids (6 to 12) $5 / Children (under 6) Free Camping (Primitive only) = Free with paid gate admission Location: IOK Fourwheelers Grounds, 9580 Valley Junction Road, Cleves, OH 45002 (aka – Gravelrama site) Event Details: Friday, July 6th Gate Opens @ Noon Trail Ridding Gravelrama Grounds, Noon – 7:30PM (some areas will close at 5:00 for rock competition) Rock Crawl Competition Starts @ 8:00PM Kids Movie @ 8:00PM Competitor Awards Ceremony 30minutes after Competition Ends Saturday, July 7th Gate Opens @ 8:00AM Endurance Race Starts @ 1:00PM Car Crush, Block Climb, Tug-O-War, RTI Ramp Door Prizes / Raffle Items Start @ 6:00PM Kids Movie @ 8:00PM Corn Hole Tournament and DJ @ 8:00PM Competitor Awards Ceremony 30minutes after Competition Ends Sunday, July 8th Gate Opens @ 8:0 R/C Rock Crawl Competition Noon Registration @ 10:00 Competitor Information: Rock Crawl: Friday July 6th Registration Fee = $50 Tech-In 4:00 – 6:00PM, day of event (email registration@iokrock.com if you require advance registration) Late Tech-In 6:00 – 6:30PM (+$10 late fee) Registration 4:00 – 7:00PM Drivers Meeting @ 7:15PM Endurance Race: Saturday July 7th Registration Fee = $50 all classes except Outlaw, Outlaw 4wd and 2wd $100 Tech-In 9:00 – 11:00AM Late Tech-In 11:00 – 11:30AM (+$10 late fee) Registration 9:00 – Noon Drivers Meeting / Pre-Run @ 12:15PM |
sounds like fun!
Can't wait to get the buggy back out!
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Here is the flyer for the Jamboree. Going to be a great time!!! Come down watch the action, if not just come down for some cheap camping. Its FREE with your paid admisison.
Any open riding able on saturday without entering the endurance race?
At the present time we are planning on only having open riding on Friday, basically all day/night. However, we will close the rock course around 5PM to set the course and fix areas that may need attention. As far as a Saturday Open Ride time we will only be able to facilitate that after the Endurance Race ends. If someone would mistakenly enter the race course it could be a real issue and pose a threat to safety. We will have other activities available, car crush, RTI Ramp, Tug-O-War, Block Climb, etc on Saturday. |
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Just a reminder we are doing a canned food drive to benefit the BLOC ministries as part of the Jamboree.
Also, you can buy advance tickets at a discount compared to at the gate from Hilltop-Performance in Harrison, Ohio. Adults - $8 with 2 canned good donation or $10 without donation At the gate: Adults - $10 with 2 canned good donation or $12 without donation |
Post up if your going.
Ill be there saturday to watch the show but not entering. I might tow the jeep down there for car crush and stuff. |
I want to race my hoopty Xj but the wife is going to drop the baby any day now so.....
Bring the hoopty and wife down. Race the hoopty and we have EMT's on staff so we can take care of your wife if the little guy decides to make an appearance.
Is this just races and competitions or is there somewhere to ride at for the weekend? What sxs evens are there?
As far as SxS specific events the only ones would be the offroad challenge and the endurance race. I am not sure if you would interested in rti. I guess you could try the car crush, LOL. The block climb would be interesting in a SxS. Bring it down have some fun. Remember camping is FREE. Basically it is an open house / meet and greet for offroad enthusiasts. |
Went to the r/c crawl today and took 1st in the 2.2 Pro class:thumbup: Been 9 months since I last ran my r/c crawler. I still got it!:evilgrin:
:beers: |
Thought you'd fine this pretty cool. My g/f recently moved in with me, as I was helping her move I found these. They came from her grandpa ( who has passed on)
https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphot...85973878_n.jpg https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphot...34027907_n.jpg And the zanesville oh based club y city hilltoppers. Almost everyone in zanesville knows about Granger Hill and the hilltoppers, first time ive ever came across a shirt. 78bufords trail rig does have a hilltopper sticker on the glove box ( had ti when he got it) which is pretty neat too. https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphot...43271389_n.jpg |
Hot Rod Magazine wrote: Listed in the 2009 HOT ROD Magazine’s September issue as item 17 in their “100 car-guy things to do before you die”, Gravelrama is an action packed weekend at the end of August. The I.O.K. 4-Wheelers have put the event on for 41 years straight and have drawn competitors from all over the country year after year. It’s an overwhelming piece of the four wheel drive competitive landscape that has captured the imagination of plenty.
It was pretty cool to see that in a non-offroad magazine. |
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