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frankensteinxj 07-30-2012 01:24 AM

Deep run closed
A lot of you have never really been there but it was my favorite place to wheel around here and after the bad storm in may they never really recovered to well.

Now I dont have anything close to challenge the xj now that its on 38s.
Haspin was like playtime in the park and big rock has a few alright climbs and the creek is alright but deep run had some seriously nasty trails for being as close to home as it was.

Im hoping if we can get some support to them they may be able to try out again but word needs to be spread.

They dont know Im posting this and I am no associated with them but hopefully we can talk them into a big ride to get things going again.

It has a little but of it all. rocks, hills, ravines, mud holes and some good ole easy trail riding... even an mx course.

It was previously known as wheelers and they had a big opening ride with a great outcome. I think if we could get something like that again and show some support as the park changed A LOT for the better since that opening ride.

This may not go anywhere but just wanted a chance to help these fellow wheelers realize the potential of there park, they are great people to deal with.

If this goes anywhere from here I will post on various other boards as well maybe after speaking with them to see if it is a possibility.

:beers::beers::beers::beers::beers::beers::beers:: beers::beers:

tjrider 07-30-2012 07:33 AM

Lets go this weekend.....:thumbup:

94Dodge Truggy 07-30-2012 11:37 AM

Post up directions and info. Sounds good!

frankensteinxj 07-30-2012 01:37 PM

Glad for some quick interest from you fellas.

We'll try to talk them into it and see where it goes.

yozuki 07-30-2012 01:52 PM

I'm sure a few people around here will help out ..

donaldcon 07-30-2012 11:16 PM

Biggest problem that place as always had under both owners/managers or what ever is lack of organization. They did poorly at advertising on the right forums, and such. Just being open isnt enough to draw the crowd when its new, they needed to organize soem big events and get the crowd there, i went twice on "open" weekends and no one was ever around to collect money, give me rules etc.

frankensteinxj 07-30-2012 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by offroadohio (Post 67225)
Biggest problem that place as always had under both owners/managers or what ever is lack of organization. They did poorly at advertising on the right forums, and such. Just being open isnt enough to draw the crowd when its new, they needed to organize soem big events and get the crowd there, i went twice on "open" weekends and no one was ever around to collect money, give me rules etc.

I completely agree and I hope this will be something they work on, I just loved the trails and the people were always very friendly even though unorganized

twillcj7 07-31-2012 07:32 AM

Where is this at? I am tied into another club and I know lots of people that would be interested in a good place that is close.

frankensteinxj 07-31-2012 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by twillcj7 (Post 67231)
Where is this at? I am tied into another club and I know lots of people that would be interested in a good place that is close.

Adams county.

8088 state route 348 blue creek, oh

Coppertop 07-31-2012 03:31 PM

I'm interested in the place.Heard alot of good things about it.


donaldcon 08-04-2012 09:53 PM

Doesn tmatter the location if they are closed.

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