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blazerbrad 08-17-2012 07:13 AM

Jeep Jam in Wilmington
I see there is a Jeep Jam just outside of Wilmington this weekend. Not sure if they have had it in the past or if anybody know anything about it. Was thinking of taking the boys one day this weekend just to do something.

Trigger 08-17-2012 08:44 AM

It's an event put on by Muddy Buddys Jeep Wrangler Club out of Dayton. They're using some property owned by Jason Dennis of Dave Dennis Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep in Dayton. I have not been to the new site, but the club has been doing Jeep Jam for a couple years now. It used to be in Harveysburg, but it was shut down due to politics.

If you've got a Jeep, you should check it out. There will be an obstacle course, a few vendors, and I believe some small trails.

94Dodge Truggy 08-17-2012 12:18 PM

The mud pit is supposed to be very deep so be careful if you try! How far from cincinnati?

T-bird 08-17-2012 12:56 PM

Here is their website for it. http://jeepjam.muddybuddys.net/

I am planning on heading out there to check it out.

blazerbrad 08-17-2012 12:58 PM

I have never owned a Jeep:eek:......my off-road rig is a K5 Blazer and also have a mostly stock FJ-40, but anything off-road related gets my interest. This place is only about 15 minutes from my work and is fairly cheap ($5 for spectators and kids are free). Also a friend of mine just moved into a house literally right in front of the field where the event is.

It's only a few miles off of I-71 when getting off the exit for SR 73. Look up Kingman, OH if you want to see it on the map. Mapquest says about 40-45 minutes from Reading/Blue Ash area but I would say closer to 35 minutes.

Trigger 08-17-2012 04:23 PM

Unfortunately, if you don't own a Jeep, all you can do is be a spectator.

blazerbrad 08-17-2012 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Trigger (Post 67831)
Unfortunately, if you don't own a Jeep, all you can do is be a spectator.

I know...if I tie strap a "JEEP" emblem on the grill of the FJ-40 do you think I could get in;) I bet there will be a lot of Jeep owners there that would think it's an old CJ.

gothodgie 08-17-2012 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by blazerbrad (Post 67833)
I know...if I tie strap a "JEEP" emblem on the grill of the FJ-40 do you think I could get in;) I bet there will be a lot of Jeep owners there that would think it's an old CJ.

Don't ruin the 40 like that, she will never forgive you... :D


biggin69 08-17-2012 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Trigger (Post 67831)
Unfortunately, if you don't own a Jeep, all you can do is be a spectator.

That is gay! I guess that is "The Jeep thing", which, no, I do not understand.

Flxratd 08-17-2012 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by biggin69 (Post 67836)
That is gay! I guess that is "The Jeep thing", which, no, I do not understand.

you own a jeep....remember :eek:

race10 08-17-2012 07:04 PM

I knew somebody that thought they had the jeep thing once. Went to the doctor and it turned out to be herpes.

gothodgie 08-17-2012 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by biggin69 (Post 67836)
That is gay! I guess that is "The Jeep thing", which, no, I do not understand.


Originally Posted by Flxratd (Post 67837)
you own a jeep....remember :eek:

you both do :rolleyes:... that explains it all.... :D


fastford 08-17-2012 08:35 PM

I understood the JEEP thing once, And thats why I wheeled a YOTA.:eek:

67fastback 08-18-2012 01:43 AM

guess i can show them what a sami can do then? :(:(

biggin69 08-18-2012 09:42 AM


Originally Posted by Flxratd (Post 67837)
you own a jeep....remember :eek:


Originally Posted by gothodgie (Post 67839)
you both do :rolleyes:... that explains it all.... :D


Yea but mine is an xj.....:thumbup:

rufnrdy 08-18-2012 02:01 PM

Shoot my wife uses wire ties,REAL men use bailing wire!:beers:

blazerbrad 08-20-2012 10:31 AM

Took my dad and two boys (4 and 7) there on Saturday and had a good time. There is a small (11-13 acres?) grass field surrounded by trees that was the main area. They had an obstacle course that ran completely around the outside of this field that anybody could ran and all the spectators could watch. Nothing extreme but anybody with open diffs or limited experience could get hung up on. One of my dad's friends was there working the event and let me use his TJ to take the kids for a ride (33" MT/R and a rear locker). They also had trailrides through the surrounding woods but I did not see them. The guy above said they were not extreme but would give a stock to lightly modified rig a workout.

They also had an R/C obstacle course setup (son brought his rockcrawler and played on it for awhile), some vendors, and food. Also had an area setup with battery powered Jeeps for the kids to ride on.

Thought it would be worth mentioning since we all know that fourwheelers generally get a bad rap, while this event was in the planning stages it caused quite an uproar with many locals opposing it. I'd like to hear what these people think now. If it wasn't for the sheriff's cars sitting on either side of the entrance and the sign you wouldn't know anything was going on. The field was at least a 1/4 mile off the road and that far away from any house. They even had a crew at the end of the drive with a pressure washer to clean off the tires of the vehicles before going out on the road. My buddy lives in the closest house right in front of the field (the original farmhouse that went with this land) and again you couldn't really tell anything was going on.

nshefbuch 08-20-2012 07:17 PM

It was a great event. As a member and one who helped build the trails and worked it, the event is a family based kid friendly event with absolutely no alcohol permitted on the premises. A decent turn out with just over 200 jeeps on Saturday and 125 for Sunday. No the obstacle course wasn't anything hard but yes you could get stuck in the mud. The trials in the woods were very dry so it was very easy but if it's muddy I can tell you even with lockers it is tricky at times since trees are all around you.

There is no other event like this around this area and yea it's a jeep only thing. Why? It's a jeep based club duh! Do I agree with this rule? No, but after meeting many members and wheeling with them they are so great I had to join.

If they opened up the event to all types of rigs how would you limit it and have a big enough place to hold it? You can't, before anyone wants to bad mouth the jeep only event, their are reasons for their simple rules. Throw a yota only party or a non jeep event and you won't hear a complaint out of us. Don't hate cause the president and board members are heavily active in the club providing several opportunities for others to get out and wheel.

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