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-   -   co2 setups for air locker (https://www.cincyoffroad.com/forumOLDVB3/showthread.php?t=9669)

johnb1686 11-25-2012 11:32 AM

co2 setups for air locker
Anyone running a co2 setup for a air locker? I am thinking about doing a 2.5# cylinder to run a yukon competition zip locker. Power tanks web site claims that a 20 oz cylinder will activate a arb 500 times. A 2.5# tank is not much bigger but should be enough to last all season. Anyone tryed this setup? Any ideas where to get the regulator? Amazon has brand new aluminum bottles for 50 bucks.

timido 11-25-2012 06:44 PM


They have others there also. My 10 pound tank costs $15 to fill at Valley welding . I only fill it a couple times a year amd use it to air up tires and run my impact.

mike shelton 11-26-2012 05:48 PM

i used it on my arb and had 0 problums. i used an air regulater and set it at 80 lbs. worked great.

yellowjacket 12-15-2012 08:48 PM

I was in tsc tonight, crying in the welding aisle....anyway on the top shelf they have a little co2 bottle and stuff to go with it. It was a hobart brand and is promoted as being portable with their portable migs.... It was 40somethin bucks and i immediatly thought of this thread. tried to take a pic fer ya but fone was dead

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