Carwash Crawler - Build Thread... again.
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11-07-2008, 09:56 PM
pimpin' IS easy
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Union, KY
Posts: 3,344
finally finished the dash and all the floor panels. what a *****. got pretty good by the end, figuring out which way to bend and break the plates. I will tell you i will never again use round tubing to do the trans/tcase tunnel. Square tubing would have made it so much easier.
some might say im overkill with so many tabs and 3/8 bolts, but it's what i had, and wanted all the tabs everywhere to be the same. What the large amount are for more than anything is to keep the sound and buzzing down.
And i never thought hood pins would have been such a ridiculous pain in the ass...
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