Thread: Core Haspen Run
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Old 03-26-2007, 03:53 PM   #59
Ah Unz ze President!
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Yup all was good till Sarge decided to flop her over. Eric...the "LITTLE" jeep got thru great for his first ever off road experience trip. However when he was cleaning his rig the next day he decided that the radiator needed cleaning with a pressure washer. He blew out all his fins on the radiator . So he had to buy a new one. Looked like a chinese fan blown apart!

Steve was the only otyher casualty from CORE for the day, Blowing a left front u-joint on 3 wheel hill.

Cincicrawler had some scraping noise from the e-brake ending his day a little aerly.

Devils backbone was impassible. I tried several times to get up it. It was extremely wet and had a lot of bounciness in t so you could not get any momentum. Heck coming back up the way I went down was hard enough!

All in all a real good day...needed a lot of HP/torq and wheel speed!

Keep them on all 4's
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