Thread: Parking Ticket?
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Old 12-04-2008, 10:41 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2007
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Originally Posted by sarge View Post
A parking ticket can not go on your driving record . it is a civil matter not a criminal one. If it was the Campus cops I would do as above. if it was Cincy police then I would see about contesting it. I know that the red light camera tickets are thrown out if contested in Middletown.
If you park in the same spot all the time I would go out and measure 10 feet from both sides of the hydrant and spray paint, in some high vis paint , lines on the road.
It was off campus. I already know about the campus "cops" and dont bother parking on campus and if I do, I park inside the shop so they cant get me

So if I show up to contest it, what happens? Do I end up paying more than the $250 or am I just repsonsible for the ticket fine?


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